Author Topic: The Sacred Order of The Harvest.  (Read 386817 times)

Brand new member of The Harvest.

All member lists are listed on the Steam group.

The Harvest:We all love private add-ons, RIGHT?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?

We dont.

Also an extra extra!

Harvest:Our members are going to be OP on our servers. FAIR??????

No,is it not.

Cut those stuffty parts of the order and it will be a pretty good clan.

It's a club not a clan.

EDIT:forget it, Club Clan Group Order.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2015, 04:19:04 PM by CRITAWAKETS »

we are ananaonmyus
we do ot forgit
we do ot fargit
epxct ussr

We can't just let anybody in.
we make our group private and give them benefits because forget you.

off topic i know but if you don't release this hat i think you're letting down everybody in blockland

Hulk Hogan fan club sends an alliance request

off topic i know but if you don't release this hat i think you're letting down everybody in blockland

Topic coming soon.

Plastiware left.

Plastiware: you deleted vita's stuff without even looking at it
Plastiware: that's the last straw
Plastiware: you've been an ass before but this settles it
Plastiware: forget your clan, and forget you
Plastiware: I'm never speaking to you again
Lord Tony: I have it saved
Plastiware is now Offline.

whohow thanks for gun-wanding this thing i made, plastiware's build and many other wip builds randomly without even looking at them.

not to mention you just said, i quote "EVERYONE GET TO BUILDING" just after this.

What was lost during the scuffle. I said sorry.