Author Topic: Reasons for the addictiveness of AoT.  (Read 6497 times)

I've thought to myself for a long time,
"How can AoT, a game so undeveloped and with so little gameplay, be so addicting?".

Here are reasons I can think of -

Customization - You can pretty much wear customized clothing, change your hair colour - Standing out
FPSishness with RPGness, if you know what I mean.
Beautiful scenery - If it was just a boring, flat landscape with nothing but grass and a few trees, I doubt we'd play it as much, if at all.

There are other reasons, so come on... Post them.

I play it because it's original. Plus no "Grinding" crap.

TeS4-Oblivion, for the computer and Xbox360, has all of those reasons and more...

although it has no online gameplay :( :( :(

Oh, which brings me to 'online gameplay' as one of the reasons it can be addicting.

to stay addicted i don't play it.

one is that it is free
another is it isnt technically finished so its always changing

I play it cause of the hook.

I play because i don't play but want to post. Yes. ????? (Confused...... Looking around....... Runsaway.........) My wrist is killing me. its like cracked for life. gtg and sleep it off. L8er M8's. GET IT!

Ah. I send PM's and noone returns them. Ex. Packer, Ladios "AKA" Lost Puppy, (jk) Kitty.

Eh. Who holds the record for most posts in a row. aint it like 4 now. By moi! ^_^

I've thought to myself for a long time,
"How can AoT, a game so undeveloped and with so little gameplay, be so addicting?".

Here are reasons I can think of -

Customization - You can pretty much wear customized clothing, change your hair colour - Standing out
FPSishness with RPGness, if you know what I mean.
Beautiful scenery - If it was just a boring, flat landscape with nothing but grass and a few trees, I doubt we'd play it as much, if at all.

There are other reasons, so come on... Post them.
ok. i will agree. i also have 6 posts in a row. that has to be record. Hoah. Something about kittys pic. Make me feel wierd

Kitty pic is a girl, yes i know you've never seen one in your life. get a girlfriend :P (even though i have never have one :D)

Because Kitty plays and everyone has gone crazy about her.

But for me its the Horse Killing AKA Team Eribo. (Me and Destruction)

I play for the community
