Author Topic: The Late Night Blockland Show [Series 1 Discussion]  (Read 45804 times)

I found it kind of boring after 5 minutes.
Sorry, just being honest. I just don't think these kind of things work.

I found it kind of boring after 5 minutes.
Sorry, just being honest. I just don't think these kind of things work.

I quite enjoyed it.

I might get a microphone in July if you're interested.

I found it kind of boring after 5 minutes.
Sorry, just being honest. I just don't think these kind of things work.

Thats fine, if you aren't interested in who is talking or don't much like 30 minute content its probably not for you.

I'm glad a fair few people are enjoying it despite its length. I think I speak for Aluadne when I say this is pleasing. c:

Now i want to give this a try.. Damn you, you brilliant bastard.

I loved this :D
Its like a podcast I can listen to in the background while im doing other stuff. Very well done :)

Thanks :D.

Yeah, it makes for good background listening if you are playing the game or doing something else.

Damn you, I had this interview idea have a while ago :c

Damn you, I had this interview idea have a while ago :c

Well uh, Blockland On Air was what this is based off, which was a podcast I did for a short time in 2010. So unless you've been putting it off for a couple years, you haven't missed out on anything. Pretty sure people did Blockland interviews before me, just not in quite the same way.

make another one. I have a collection of Ear Rape Chambers

make another one. I have a collection of Ear Rape Chambers


Aludane halppp

This is very nice Icygamma should hold a Game show with different people every time :P just a suggestion.