Author Topic: resonte works  (Read 33610 times)

draw max headroom looking at like a 75 degree angle with shades on

draw max headroom looking at like a 75 degree angle with shades on

powerful plushies


its red

attempt at sorta making a wallpaper version (moved mountains (?) up a bit to make it look more natural)
« Last Edit: February 05, 2017, 02:19:20 PM by The Murderous Cop »

i call it. screwing with transparencies

Draw yourself drawing yourself drawing yourself drawing yourself drawing yourself drawing yourself drawing yourself drawing yourself drawing yourself drawing yourself

dated like 2 motnhs ago

i like cool drinks in mugs
« Last Edit: February 22, 2017, 11:25:43 PM by The Resonte! »

make it snappy

in total i've made almost 100 creations most not posted here