Author Topic: Jail  (Read 11026 times)

  • /jail [player name] - jails a player
  • /unjail [player name] - unjails a player


Does it teleport to them if they kill themselves?

And can there be an associated item for minigames?


Does it teleport to them if they kill themselves?

And can there be an associated item for minigames?
Carbon didn't put this but you can't Self Delete, the only way to get out of the jail is teleportation.

This looks useful....
For purgatory.

It replaces cages with checkpoints in them quite well.

What's the point of jailing someone and having them waste a player slot when you can just ban them?

What's the point of jailing someone and having them waste a player slot when you can just ban them?

tomato throwing and mocking

What's the point of jailing someone and having them waste a player slot when you can just ban them?
Well, it could be for minor things such as receiving a second warning. The thing about being jailed is that the jailed player knows they are missing out on the fun that is in front of them.

What's the point of jailing someone and having them waste a player slot when you can just ban them?
Its for RP's, like TheHellSpy's

I still use the old Jail mod. Kinda nice cause i can make my own cell. Good to see the idea is still around though

Definitely not abusable at all

Definitely not abusable at all

i know its sarcasm and all but thats like complaining about how a gun is abusable. like no stuff put in the wrong hands it could be abused, same goes for a lot of stuff.

tomato throwing and mocking
how is there not a tomato weapon yet????

My jail mod allows me to set any brick as a jail spawn and I can set uniforms for it.

nice now i can enslave myself