Author Topic: Another Office? For Panda's Sake  (Read 4380 times)

I've worked on this on and off since retail release. Something I do when not server jumping.

Overview of Lou Dobbs Industrial Complex:

Bliotech Labs Lobby(first build in retail):

Crane and Experiment in Lab:

Warehouse Interior:

Truck Outside Warehouse(Made by Hard Gay):

Lobby of Office. Left Room: Store Room Right Room: Bathroom(with no door):

Employee Lounge:

Waiting Area:

Computation Hall with Executive Buffet:

Floors 2/3 Cubicles:

Ida B. Wells Monument 1:

Ida B. Wells Monument 2:

Chintzy Park:

Billboard 1:

Billboard 2:

Amazing, and I love the billboards :D

For anyone wondering about the weirdo buildings in some pictures, those are things I didn't make.

as much deatailed as you would expect in blockland

Oh yeah I went in this. It was cool, except your water cooler was talking trash behind your back.

We have ways to deal with that >:)

I remember this build, it was the first build I ever visited! That was more than a month ago though

*whisles* that thing is cool, and massive! i wish i could download it! anyways, it earns a 10/10. nice work. cookies for you! :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:

I remember this build, it was the first build I ever visited! That was more than a month ago though
Yes, it has been slow progress. I usually sit around doing something else and wait for someone to come in and build in a cubicle or lot.

The lab music was teh funny :D

I saw this, it was cool. I liked the billboards...

lol@plane in parking lot

Lolinorite. : D  I also lol'd at the experiment that appeared to be running on Vista...

It's gone under a major renovation and has experienced major progress.

Aye looks really cool in outta space =D
Your server is still strange though......

BTW this is driving me insane but.... WTF IS THIS