Author Topic: your in a jail cell with the dude above you, what do you do?  (Read 5082 times)

Use to escape the prison.

Have a chat, like any civilized person would do. Then, hack the prison, allowing me to call the illuminati and have them break me (and the others) out. The illuminati then indoctrinates teaches the other prisoners.

kill all ilumanti with my epic pestilence powers

burst out of you guys like a chestburster

eat your melons and use melon power to escape

Grab hammer, have a talk like any civilized person, and use hammer to S M A S H the walls in.

Grab air, have a talk like any civilized person, and use air to S M A S H the walls in.

vore using mosquito-like appendages

beat with a lead pipe for even trying that vore stuff

give him a  cheeseborger

Give him my gigantic bowl of spaghetti.