Author Topic: B4v21 - AYE Y'ALL IT'S THE FIRST YEAR ANNIVERSARY  (Read 37644 times)

This has a stuffload of maps and stuff so if you want them, they're in Swollow's archive

"would split the player base"

but the only time the player base would be "split" is when kenko hosts because his server is really fun with lots of people, and people can play both at once, you know

cant wait to see nighthawks vehicles in that city map in v20

this is great, would totally host a l4b server with you guys stimetime

this is great, would totally host a l4b server with you guys stimetime

10/10 will ride the snail again
also how to get hq gifs with gyazo

whats that playertype datiel was using i want it lol

hosting my v20 freebuild! we've upgraded the maprotation to include a /rtv command, and other various fixes!
« Last Edit: December 02, 2017, 03:41:00 PM by K3k0m@n »

we did it, we're more popular than v21.


Just finished hosting a CTF server that simpletonn made - it was way more fun and intense then i expected!

Thanks to everyone who joined!

Just finished hosting a CTF server that simpletonn made - it was way more fun and intense then i expected!
Thanks to everyone who joined!

i did like 2 triple kills with the cannon