Author Topic: The rampant child research problem of twitter. (serious)  (Read 5122 times)

Child research is plaguing twitter, and I don't mean drawings.

Someone I follow tweeted out a gross message they got via DM

Now, someone saying "i'm 13 lemme show you my pp" isn't what the extent is, hell, for all we know it's a 30 year old man with a microsnake, but after looking through their tweets, they are liking, responding to, and retweeting some absolutely vile stuff. people loving their little brothers, kid procrastination videos, and other things. I've compiled a list of not nearly HALF of who I found tweeting this absolute garbage.

now as much as I want to post links, I fear getting banned for "promoting child research/posting research" on this forum, so i'll just post the twitter hashtag.

It all seems to revolve around the same hashtag, #bagetsjakol

It's also all foreign, from what I can see. most likely Portuguese/Philippines.

Please for the love of forget, report, block, and anything else you can do.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2019, 07:17:11 AM by CM1107ProjectInfinium »

I witnessed almost this exact thing happen on tumblr
I think they might have migrated to twitter

Wanna see my 13 year old rooster
Now this is an FBI honeypot if I've ever seen one.

If Twitter shut down completely I'd be okay with it.

Really there's not a whole lot they can do. Even when stuff is blatantly illegal reporting every possible thing can only do so much because it all has to get reviewed by human eyes eventually. If they deploy an algorithm to combat it they're just going to get a bunch of false positives and pissed of users like on Tumblr and Youtube.

I witnessed almost this exact thing happen on tumblr
I think they might have migrated to twitter
I literally made a post about them migrating.

But egotistic things aside this is deplorable that a company as big as twitter isn't making this stuff their top priority.

Something i've noticed about these people is that they come from tumblr and go under the MaP or "non-touch child enthusiast" coin.

I can't say monday on twitter, but I can be a child enthusiast on twitter? What kind of magic is this?

I literally made a post about them migrating.

But egotistic things aside this is deplorable that a company as big as twitter isn't making this stuff their top priority.

Because it’s hard to prove that it even is young persons, just like OP said in the first few sentences. Twitter isn’t the police, and it’s impossible to keep this from ever happening, it’s always going to exist. Just report it and move on.

I mean, from what i've learned, the hashtag literally means "kiddie procrastination"...

I mean, from what i've learned, the hashtag literally means "kiddie procrastination"...
Holy stuff what the forget

If child enthusiasm ever becomes acceptable in the same way as gay is i swear ill go commit sodoku

btw to be clear i dont mean that being gay is wrong
« Last Edit: January 01, 2019, 05:00:44 PM by Generic Face »

i have never seen any cp on twitter (thank god) so this is news to me wtf

so what you're saying is that we need to genocide the portuguese and the phillipinos?

phillipines does look a lot like child enthusiasts so that would actually make sense