Author Topic: Are there any steam related hooks we can utilize?  (Read 1856 times)

I don't know what they would be, but are they there? What do they do? Can we use them?

Launching the ingame browser would probably be handy

Quote from: port
virtual Script clientCmdGetAchievement() {}
virtual Script steamOnLobbyEnter() {}
virtual string getCDNURL() {}
virtual string numericWhiteListFilter() {} //*! filters a string to only contain 0-9 and . */
virtual bool SteamUnlock() {}
virtual void setMyBLID() {}
virtual bool SteamAPI_Init() {}
virtual bool SteamEnabled() {}
virtual void SteamAPI_Shutdown() {}
virtual void getAchievement() {}
virtual void steamGetAchievement(string) {}
virtual void steamClearAchievement() {}
virtual void SteamCreateLobby() {}
virtual void SteamJoinLobby(int64 lobbyid) {}
virtual void SteamLeaveLobby() {}
virtual bool SteamSetLobbyIP(ip address) {}
virtual bool SteamSetLobbyPort(port) {}
virtual string SteamGetLobbyIP() {}
virtual string SteamGetLobbyPort() {}
virtual string SteamGetLobbyID() {}
virtual string SteamGetAuthSessionTicket() {}
virtual string getSteamId() {}
virtual void SteamOpenStore() {}

I don't see a legitimate use for these. getSteamID might be though?

numericWhiteListFilter sounds useful, although nothing that we couldnt do before..

I wonder what those lobby functions do

Restricted to base scripts. You can of course bypass this restriction, but it will only change the return of getnumkeyid() and getkeyid(). Servers do still retrieve the id from the master server.

Chat website links should go directly to the steam browser. As well as any other website link.

Chat website links should go directly to the steam browser. As well as any other website link.
Umm, no? The steam browser sucks.

Chat website links should go directly to the steam browser. As well as any other website link.

Only when playing in fullscreen.

I wonder what those lobby functions do
they are so that people can join the server you are in from steam

Launching the ingame browser would probably be handy

I don't see a legitimate use for these. getSteamID might be though?
I made that list, incase anyone cares

I made that list, incase anyone cares

dumpConsoleFunctions() did