Author Topic: 2020 Northern California Coronavirus Outbreak: On the Scene with Snaffle J. Bean  (Read 773 times)

aight so lately this coronavirus stuff been popping off mad hardcore here in my neck of the woods:
so yeah looks like where i live is gonna have the honor of being the site of the first widespread coronavirus outbreak in the country. in light of this situation i have taken it upon myself to become a citizen journalist and report live on the scene in real time as stuff proceeds to hit the fan, providing priceless insight into how exactly society is going to crumble around you once the coronavirus reaches your city. in this thread you can expect to-the-milisecond text updates on the outbreak situation as well as photos and videos of people dropping dead in the street (guaranteed); i am also providing a highly valuable q&a service to answer any questions regarding what life is like in the corona hellzone completely free of charge. if i happen to fall victim to the virus you can also expect round-the-clock status reports on my health as i slowly succumb to the virus and die of pneumonia as well as fully-accurate sneeze and cough updates so you can know what kind of cough and sneeze frequency to expect once the virus gets you.

that's all for now. this is snaffle j. bean, citizen journalist signing off.

snaffle jean please dont die

cant wait for it to spread down to the bay area and completely decimate every UC, along with me

got a friend in UCD, praying for his death so i get his D&D character's stuff safety

Since my household basically never goes outside we're safe