Author Topic: Where Blockland came from  (Read 6320 times)

Well I looked around on and found a game that resembles blockland. Here is the link:

That was made YEARS ago, and it isn't that good. I like going out of bounds and walking on air to the Hollywood sign though.

The physics in that game were crappy, and it was easy to get out of the game boundries.

Except that Blockland doesn't suck goats. Oh, and it introduced a whole new multiplayer paradigm that I don't think we'd ever seen before.

Or, if you only want a short-lived life in the cutthroat world of this cutting-edge 3D game,

Yes i know it sucks ass now

are you so much of a sh ithead that you didn't notice that that game was shockwave and blockland is ms-dos based?

STFU Noob!
BL is Torque based! :cookie:
Its C++!
« Last Edit: January 16, 2006, 01:22:58 AM by DARK »

Games that are ms-dos games have crappy graphics. Like there was this RPG and you played as a thing that looked liked a @.

« Last Edit: March 01, 2008, 05:35:22 PM by Towncivilian »

What does MS-DOS have anything to do with BASIC?

you have me there but my point was that the two games in question are in 2 completely different formats thereby proving any simmilarities irrelevent.

« Last Edit: March 01, 2008, 05:35:16 PM by Towncivilian »

I don't recall anybody coding C++ during 1992....
Heh, smartest blockhead i've ever seen.

you have me there but my point was that the two games in question are in 2 completely different formats thereby proving any simmilarities irrelevent.

That doesnt destory any similarities because of their format, you saying a black and a white person have nothing in common because they are in different formats, huh you tribal? <--lol but seriously... :cookieMonster: :cookie: