
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 161913 times)

He actually looks extremely strong in the video but it doesn't really show to much of his abilities other than rewinding the time and setting a checkpoint at the beginning.

Mmm idk about strong. If he resets time, he still keeps his damage while enemies heal. Seems like if you abuse it, you'll be forgeted. Hopefully the cost scales like kassadin's ult. OOOO, maybe he'll have to channel first before resetting time in that field? Other than that, HYPE. Im hoping for Hybrid/AP jungler

its going to be an mele ap mid with prob an short range aoe spell, an aa steroid a dash and the ult

the passive might have some sort of ease for wave clear

I'm trying to download this game again, it gets up to 75% then drops to 0kbps and stops downloading entirely. Occasionally it goes up to 1kbps. wtf?

Trundle is actually really strong in the current meta, I've been building him BORK > Frozen Mallet or Tri Force (depending on whether we need more tank stats or not) and then tank. It seems to give the right blend of tank stats, damage, and tank shredding ability to be super strong in any situation. I've been running 21/9/0 for masteries but 9/21/0 could also be viable.

people never respect the mega gnar

sion is apparently a tank but when i get 13 assists i don't even get an A ranking
league of legends pls

I'm trying to download this game again, it gets up to 75% then drops to 0kbps and stops downloading entirely. Occasionally it goes up to 1kbps. wtf?

it's installing, just let it sit

sion is apparently a tank but when i get 13 assists i don't even get an A ranking
league of legends pls

grades are based on other sion players performance, s/s+ is like top 1% of all players who've played sion on the same server regardless of rank

Lol then nobody must play trundle on LAN because A. I've never seen another trundle and B. I get S 90% of the time.

Smite tp trundle is really troll but good, red smite and ult means that nobody can duel you, very good for lanes where you'll be slugging it out with another bruiser/a tank. They kept 3 man ganking top but I had a level advantage from starting their wolves and had a massive gold lead on their shyvana. I ulted the shyv, smited their jungler, and got a triple. I swear, if trundle had a decent gap closer, he would be legitimately op. His only weakness is getting kited, but that can be solved with a frozen mallet.

Is renekton still absurdly good?
I don't see him much anymore.

My guess is Ekko is going to be either an AD top or mid similar to Yasuo.
He's probably going be designed to forget with the backline and once hes done return to a safer, previous location. I also have a feeling he's a level 1 ult champ.

Lol then nobody must play trundle on LAN because A. I've never seen another trundle and B. I get S 90% of the time.
trundle is the same as sion

you'll see another one by the 100th katarina

Is renekton still absurdly good?
I don't see him much anymore.
I used to main the croc (probably a good 300 games with him in s3) and honestly, he still has the problem of falling off really hard, and gets countered by the tank meta and the teleport meta. Tp-smite is also hard for the croc to deal facing in lane.

I used to see a lot of Renekton, atleast in norms. But this was around the time Nidalee jungle was the jungle pick.(Diana jungle was creeping around aswell)
Trundle has always interested me, but I never tried him myself. Always seemed a bit "odd".
My guess is Ekko is going to be either an AD top or mid similar to Yasuo.
He's probably going be designed to forget with the backline and once hes done return to a safer, previous location. I also have a feeling he's a level 1 ult champ.
Well, what else would you expect from a spawn of Riven.