Author Topic: Hey  (Read 7185 times)

Hey there I'm Annie. Can I ask you guys something, what do you know about a dude named ProBuilder

I don't know him but I'm sure some one will

His forum profile can be found here.

Pompous jackass who thinks he's God of the planet and thinks if he challenges someone that when he's challenged back he doesn't have to do stuff but say "HURR HURR YOUR STILL NOT DOING MY CHALLENGE!" even though we didn't accept it. He did this, twice.

Btw, hey ProBuilder. Get back to wasting money on getting new routers/reseting your IP.

Hi probuilder. So, you finally got around your perma I see.

I'm not Pro. I know Pro but I'm not Pro. I'm actually his girlfriend if you want to get into details

That defiantly proves it. He is Pro.

I am not Pro. I got this at the other forums too... and whether or not you want to believe me is not my problem, but yeah I know all about the antenna cradle...

I'm not Pro. I know Pro but I'm not Pro. I'm actually his girlfriend if you want to get into details


Pro, stop bullstuffting, we all know it's you.

I'm not pro.
Do you want pictures or something?

I am not Pro. I got this at the other forums too... and whether or not you want to believe me is not my problem, but yeah I know all about the antenna cradle...
Not... the antenna cradle?!
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I don't get that very often...

Yes but then it would just prove that pro is a chick.

Ok, ok, ok, maybe you're not getting this...
..PRO.. and ..ME.. are two completely different people!
I know this is the internet and everything, but I am not pro.