Author Topic: The cat thread.  (Read 8696 times)

All my cats names are.

Bob <lol i mean it>
Cortez <has no gold>

What's your cat's name? o:
Lets see here.. I have currently, Simon, Tinkerbell, Duchess, Dakota, Buttons, Baby, and Batman.
The ones that have passed away are, Jazmine, Frankie, Ellie and Hope.
Hah, I have one with that same name.
Currently: Simon, Tigger.
Passed away: Too many to count.
Given away (not sure if they're still alive): Sox, Buttercup (alive but very frikkin fat), Oreo, unsure on others' names.

My current cat is Carl.

Oh! We've actually given two away, I thought I was missing one  :cookieMonster:
We've given away Smokie, and one when it was born (( Of course we waited until it could be weened but we didn't name it since we weren't keeping it )).

Smokie kind of ran away from us, he didn't go far though. He went across the street, to where a nice vet lady fed him canned cat food everyday :cookieMonster: Eventually she moved away and he went with her!

my cat's name is "dammit"

my cat's name is "dammit"
I knew someone's cat who was named "Get the forget off the table".

my cat's name is "dammit"
My cats probably think that their name is, "Damn it cat,"  since I yell it dozens of times a day at them when they are being bad.

my cat's name is "dammit"
"Dammit Dammit! Get off those counters, Dammit! Dammit get away from those curtains! God Dammit, Dammit stop shredding up my damn couch!"
:cookieMonster: I can just imagine.

we use to just call it hey cat.
but it only looked at us when we were yelling at it "damn it you stuff on the floor!"

Our nickname for our cat is "kissey Putten"

Our nickname for our cat is "kissey Putten"
Whoa wait, for Carl, or a different cat? :cookieMonster:

Hey Mina come to Wizzeh's server pls

Hey Mina come to Wizzeh's server pls
Uhmm alright but I can't stay for long, I'm going to go to sleep soon o.o


I lol'd hard at Chrono's post.

brb getting pic of my cat

Asdf, where the hell is my camera.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2010, 02:06:51 PM by kiwibear »