Author Topic: ✨ Blocklander of the Year 2019 ✨ - Khaz  (Read 50347 times)

my brain is going to freaking explode over this one
I mean to be fair i can't recall a single server or addon cubone has made

jeprimer is my homie... the election aint gonna tear us apart no matter who all up and wins

this is rigged why am i gonna be against seth

goode builder verses child rapist victem

I don't know what either of these people do aside from exist :cookieMonster:

this is rigged why am i against drydess

this is rigged why am i against ayebee

I mean to be fair i can't recall a single server or addon cubone has made

is that all that matters to u ..

jeprimer is my homie... the election aint gonna tear us apart no matter who all up and wins

attention all voters:
your account has been hacked. send feet pics

when it comes time for me vs. electrk, if you vote electrk, you'll never see him again. i guarantee it.

I'm going to let this poll run longer than usual in the hopes that the winner becomes less ambiguous. I'll close the poll when I wake up tomorrow. If it is tied... well I'll figure it out when it happens.

when it comes down to me and ceist, kiss his feet GOODBYE because youll never see them again. there mine and and mine only