Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 3877440 times)

I haven't forgotten my roots ;)
utterly terrible. why do you even try?

I haven't forgotten my roots ;)

It would be neat to see that modeled as a tool in game.

damn bro he kinda basic lookin tho

bigger legs & feet baby

u know what they say about big feet.......
small toes

trial and error + website baybeee first time rigging hopefully it works

do u actually need a bone on each finger? cant you just do palm/thumb/index/rest of fingers and that's it. the other three fingers aren't ever really used for anything

there's actually 2 fingers on each hand lol I wanted to make it simple

also speaking of forget yeah my first actually rigged model let's loving go fellas

Very bad you should try again

do u actually need a bone on each finger? cant you just do palm/thumb/index/rest of fingers and that's it. the other three fingers aren't ever really used for anything
pinky out, bitch

there's actually 2 fingers on each hand lol I wanted to make it simple

also speaking of forget yeah my first actually rigged model let's loving go fellas

good work now make it skinned