Author Topic: Idoits that can't read blockman01 kiwibear and others that can't read.  (Read 7458 times)

Cool :P plus first of all im a fan of teir tactical for 2 years basicly and 3 years on my brothers account and second of all i was asking about 2 add-ons that did'nt show up.Aleast there are some good people out there.Plus redgaijin can we be friends and also I was banned from RTB for negitive talk.

User was banned for this post
no edit and double post

your the only gay to say a man is hot (in a loveual way) GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA YYYYY

please tell me what's so bad about being gay

but u both are gay

Don't you have anything better to do than follow people around on the internet?? OH WAIT you don't because you don't have a life.....So go back to jerking off to research you gay...

Don't you have anything better to do than follow people around on the internet?? OH WAIT you don't because you don't have a life.....So go back to jerking off to research you gay...
get banned friend.

Don't you have anything better to do than follow people around on the internet?? OH WAIT you don't because you don't have a life.....So go back to jerking off to research you gay...
hahhahaha ur brothers dead.

Don't you have anything better to do than follow people around on the internet?? OH WAIT you don't because you don't have a life.....So go back to jerking off to research you gay...
So what if he is gay?  What, you have a problem with homoloveuals?  Homophobic douchemonday!!

Don't you have anything better to do than follow people around on the internet?? OH WAIT you don't because you don't have a life.....So go back to jerking off to research you gay...

allow me to reiterate

please tell me what's so bad about being gay


I really forgeted up those quotes, let's try this again.

Don't you have anything better to do than follow people around on the internet?? OH WAIT you don't because you don't have a life.....So go back to jerking off to research you gay...

allow me to reiterate

please tell me what's so bad about being gay

Jesus christ, Im laughing to hard to just completely make Blocko a fool out of him self. Lol'd

Sidenote: Blocko Keep posting Stuff like this to keep us entertained  :cookieMonster:

i sent blockman01 a PM

can't wait to see what bullstuff he replies with

What it should be renamed to. ^
(Not the above post, the Re:)

But really, at LEAST use spell check.
Also, I can understand kiwibear just fine.

This entire topic is LOL, seriously, there are so many grammer mistakes, he's like, illiterate.

I also would like to commend him on some how taking every insult that goes toward him as a gesture of agreement.

I wouldn't say illiterate, I would say more like just being fueled by kiddie anger. Basically just typing through his frustration and sending it off without checking it because he isn't about to calm down to do such a thing.

I wouldn't say illiterate, I would say more like just being fueled by kiddie anger. Basically just typing through his frustration and sending it off without checking it because he isn't about to calm down to do such a thing.
Should we leave...