Author Topic: Celau - bear with me here  (Read 26273 times)

I pooped my stuff ass, also drydess can suck my fat nuts and kenko is gay. poo poo ding dong fat stuff snake walla walla HAHA
i can tell you drool onto your keyboard alot

Edd goin' sicko mode posting epic one liners across the boards

For a second i thought you lost it and started mini nuking the forums

Edd goin' sicko mode posting epic one liners across the boards
gramps do you even know what sicko mode is

I pooped my stuff ass, also drydess can suck my fat nuts and kenko is gay. poo poo ding dong fat stuff snake walla walla HAHA

yea theyre actually brothers

yea theyre actually brothers
their both from the same mother so both are equally handicapped

their both from the same mother so both are equally handicapped
renderguy gave his chromosome to chad

their both from the same mother so both are equally handicapped

forget you bitch.

gay furry

should've listened to tito for once

now him begging me for e-cash over.mafia madness makes sense

now him begging me for e-cash over.mafia madness makes sense
So he begs people for money while supposedly having atleast 1k in savings

can’t we just send celau to the goulash chamber and call it a day