Author Topic: Pay to Build  (Read 9340 times)

Makes bricks cost points (score) to build.

  • Comes with three RTB prefs.
  • P2B enabled --- Should be obvious
  • Size determines cost --- Either use the cost constant (see below) or the cost constant times the brick's size for the cost
  • Cost constant --- Depending on status of the above, this is either the flat rate cost, or the constant by which the brick's size is multiplied for the price
  • Admins and super admins not in a minigame are never affected by the mod
  • Checks your score before you ever plant the brick, spam creating bricks that get instantly deleted not possible with this mod
  • Score not deducted until the brick is planted, meaning you won't lose points due to a plant error like overlap or float


Secondary link:
« Last Edit: December 26, 2013, 04:06:26 PM by DrenDran »

meke pay2pluy mod!!11

Was thinking of hosting a server where you fight zombies and build your base, and each brick was a few points cost.


how is size calculated

how is size calculated
Code: [Select]
%db = %brick.dataBlock;
%size = %db.brickSizeX * %db.brickSizeY * %db.brickSizeZ;
%cost = mCeil((%size/6)) * $ptb::costConstant;

Thanks for acceping my request.

I'm still suprised at how fast you made this

Secondary link no longer works.

This was made. Twice.

I don't have a link but Cashmod II is one example.

Looks nice regardless.