Author Topic: Nintendo Switch Presentation - January 12th  (Read 151967 times)

Assuming that spent the time exploring a good portion of the world thoroughly, you shouldn't be too far off from 900.
You *might* get half but no way in hell are you anything more than 3/4ths unless you've been crazy korok hunting

You *might* get half but no way in hell are you anything more than 3/4ths unless you've been crazy korok hunting
37 Korok Seeds
I have 37 Korok seeds
Max Stamina Wheel
and 27 Hearts (sucks that you a have to choose between max hearts and max stamina. IT IS KILLING ME.)

i don't even have half of the full health set

i found an nes classic at walmart today

You *might* get half but no way in hell are you anything more than 3/4ths unless you've been crazy korok hunting
or you could just look it up.

i have 76 after getting all shrines, finding the rest is going to take so long

i have 76 after getting all shrines, finding the rest is going to take so long
Really you just need to look in different places, every rock you find you just need to spam the A button (So if an animal comes out you pick it up instantly) and if you find any misplaced rocks, check around.

since this isnt the breath of the wild thread and the switch thread this belongs here
uh... good? bad? which is it guys?

since this isnt the breath of the wild thread and the switch thread this belongs here
uh... good? bad? which is it guys?

Who else is buying MK8 Deluxe on launch? If enough people have it, I'll host a battle mode or something.

Looks like Super Bomberman R now runs at 60 FPS, and has new content.

And there is still more to come

1. gradient is just a plane how can you make a person character out of that
2. castlevania is ok
3. why silent hill???????????????

can someone explain to me if Dark Souls 3 is coming to switch? Ive heard rumors that apparently From Software had a running version of DS3 on switch running at performance they're "happy with." This was just brought to my attention and now I'm curious. I even found out that From Software are one of the big third party developers for the switch on that one picture from nintendo. Point is, if From Software is working for Nintendo, what game could they be making that's not Dark Souls? Im kind of wishing for some E3 announcement of a DS3 port with the DLC, that would be a dream ;_;