Author Topic: [LoL] League of Legends  (Read 740 times)

League of Legends is a game inspired by the Defense of the Ancients map for Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne developed and published by Riot Games for Microsoft Windows.It was first announced on October 7, 2008 and released on October 27, 2009.The game was in a closed beta from April 10, 2009 to October 22, 2009.It then transitioned to open beta until release.

Steve "Guinsoo" Feak, the previous designer of the popular Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne custom map, DotA Allstars, and Steve “Pendragon” Mescon, the administrator of the former official support base for the map (, were involved with Riot Games in the development of League Of Legends.Using the original DotA created by Eul (the original Defence of The Ancients map for Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos) as a base, Guinsoo made DotA Allstars by inserting his own mix of content, largely expanding the number of the heroes, and adding recipes, numerous items and various gameplay changes. Guinsoo then passed version 6 of the map on to its current developer, Icefrog. Pendragon, who is the Director of Community Relations for Riot Games, helped create the previous DotA Allstars website along with its forum.

Players are formed into 2 even teams with 1-5 champions on each team. Each team starts at opposing sides of a map, near what is called a "Nexus". A match is won when either the opposing team's Nexus is destroyed or the other team surrenders. To destroy a Nexus, each team must work through a series of towers called "Turrets". Turrets are often placed along a path to each base referred to as a "Lane". Along the way, each player must gain levels from killing the opposing team's "Champions" and "Minions" (small NPCs that constantly spawn and attack the other team) and defeating neutral monsters (some of which grant buffs known as Crests upon death). Also, champions purchase "Items" with in-match gold to improve their champion. In League of Legends, each player starts at level 1 at the beginning of the match and can obtain the maximum of level 18 with their champion, leveling 4 different champion-specific abilities.

A Champion is a hero unit that levels up over the course of the match. Each Champion has unique abilities and is tagged with properties such as 'tank' and 'silence' to describe their play style and notable ability traits.The game was released with 40 Champions, but Riot continued to create new champions post-release using a development pipeline. The pipeline allowed Riot to release a new champion every few weeks even though it now takes much longer to develop one.There are 64 Champions as of November 16, 2010.

At the start of each match, every player chooses a champion to fight for him in battle. The choice of champions is limited by what the player has unlocked. Each week, certain champions are made temporarily free so that players can try them out without unlocking them.

Champions gain experience by killing enemy minions, champions or buildings. After reaching a certain amount of experience, the champion levels up. Each level increases the champion's stats and adds an ability point that can be spent to improve one of the Champion's unique abilities. The maximum level for a champion is 18.

Players are given base gold at a slow rate throughout the game, and they must acquire more gold either by landing the killing blow on an enemy minion (also known as "Last-Hitting") or by killing a champion. Some abilities and items also generate extra gold. The acquired gold can be spent at the item shop for various items. Some items can be combined into more powerful ones by following predefined recipes.These items empower the champions and buying the right items for a champion is a main part of the game's strategy. Numerous large websites are made by fans to share and discuss item/champion combinations and guides.

TL:DR Kinda like DotA
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« Last Edit: December 19, 2010, 01:58:30 PM by 16-Bit »

I play it actively atm level 10 and i mostly play amumu<3 too bad they removed sunfire stack :c

name is Dualshockk if anyone wants to add :3

Got into a few months ago. Level 20 and I mainly play Mordekaiser.

Got into a few months ago. Level 20 and I mainly play Mordekaiser.

Amumu>Mordekaiser IMO

But after the sunfire patch i cant do as much damage i did before

Bumb cause this game is epic :s