Author Topic: AoT Mega Mod  (Read 38689 times)

Pala, no offence but if you do not know how to download from megaupload then I doubt you'll actually manage to get on a Aot v3 server (which is doubtful since there are like 0 servers on anytime)

Seems V3 will be back in style now gonna miss v28 :(..ah well, time to work on npc's.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2007, 03:36:21 PM by DarkKnight »

Heh.  So the fall of v23 is bittersweet.  Now, somone get busy making a stable, damnit!!!  :cookieMonster:  Damn, I wish I could model/script.

None of the updates work for me =(

Wow, you play Knight Online too?

To You:  :iceCream:

could you post a V3 download in other servrer, like BJ mods?

Seriously, how many of these handicapped Mega Mods are there?

I don't know >.> I think there's just Mega Mod and Rudy's mod...amirite?

What about the AOT Mega Mod by DarkKnight

Lol there are four but I'm not saying what the fourth is called or where it is.

Gee, thanks for shining light on the situation.  :cookie:  Have a cookie full of AIDS.

Lol there are four but I'm not saying what the fourth is called or where it is.

Good, we don't want its presence disgracing this forum.

When do you plan on updating this with rudy's talk to bots system?