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Messages - Corbiere

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Help / Re: How to store my auth. key into bl?
« on: October 21, 2012, 10:33:29 AM »
How is that related to anything ...?
An inability to change the read-only properties of C:/ means that a user does not have administrative privileges on the computer, so the admin password is required to change anything.


Games / Re: RuneScape - If I gave you my loving, would you take it?
« on: October 21, 2012, 10:25:11 AM »
Quick, without thinking, if any of you could have anything in RuneScape right now, what would it be?

For me, it would be 10 billion coins.
10 billion Christmas Crackers...


Games / Re: RuneScape - If I gave you my loving, would you take it?
« on: October 18, 2012, 12:11:58 PM »

I like training core skills rather than those such as Dungeoneering and Summoning.
Summoning helps core skills, and you could do with starting to level up slayer a little before you get your combat stats too much higher. Having to train slayer with no combat stats to train is baaad. Anyway, slayer helps level any combat skills by making it slightly less monotonous and giving you monsters to kill at higher levels that actually drop nice things.

I've been working on a ground vehicle missile launcher.
The flight path of the missile is the hardest part, but I've gotten it to land 5km (smooth flight) from where I fired it. (Press the ] key after you launch the missile to move the camera to it as it flies, when it hits the ground, look back at the distance from your missile launcher/ship thing)

Will anyone try to top that?
What mod/plugin?


Finally landed on Duna!

Actually I crashed into it at high velocity with a very large vehicle and somehow most of the landing module was intact. Lost the DMEV though...I really want to drive an exploration vehicle around another planet but the damn thing makes any rocket incredibly unstable and makes a non-powered landing almost impossible without it just breaking off and smashing into the ground whilst the kerbals float down safely. Might just have to mechjeb it there :/

Games / Re: RuneScape - If I gave you my loving, would you take it?
« on: October 17, 2012, 03:12:33 PM »


Games / Re: I miss my old Lego games
« on: October 16, 2012, 10:46:43 AM »
Played Lego Racers years ago, and it doesn't appear to work on my laptop or PC any more. Lego Racers 2 does, but it's nothing like the original and to be honest the whole "adventure" thing ruins it.

Rock Raiders I played fairly recently; I can't believe I actually found that game hard, but I was about 8 or something. It's still fun :)

Also have Lego Star Wars for both PC and DS. LSW II, the best one in my opinion doesn't load properly on PC and I think the CD may be damaged :(

Games / Re: RuneScape - If I gave you my loving, would you take it?
« on: October 16, 2012, 07:56:48 AM »
Tomorrow, I am going to face TzTok-Jad. I am loving scared.

I spend a lot of money on this setup. I hope it's worth it. I'm planning to try and have some of the creatures blocked by the protruding walls so I don't have to deal with so much bullstuff at the same time.
You might lose...

You'd most likely win against Jad pretty easily if he was alone, but getting to him is pretty difficult and runs down supplies if you're not careful.

Still, good luck.

Development / Re: 2012/09/12 - Steam Greenlight
« on: October 16, 2012, 07:47:26 AM »
Just because people are popular on youtube and can complain about patches in World of Warcraft doesn't mean they know jack-stuff about game design and how to create a good game idea.

I'm not making that up either. They have actually said that they think they are capable of creating and selling their own game because they complain about patches to World of Warcraft.
You can put it like that or you can consider that actually there are hundreds of games on Steam made on the basis that people think they can make games. If they then use their popularity to get it on a gaming platform then that's just advertising isn't it? The game that the Yogscast now publish more than anything else pretty much did the same thing. Minecraft wouldn't have obtained so much popularity if it wasn't in some way advertised on another incredibly popular site or game.

2 ships orbiting the sun, 1 orbiting the moon, 4 orbiting kerbal, 2 sattelites (mod) orbiting kerbal and 1 ship is on crash course on the sun. :D total: 26 succesfull liftoffs
Kerbol is the star, Kerbin is the planet. Kerbals are the Self Delete pilots astronauts.

Liftoff is the easy bit. Much easier that putting something in orbit around the Mun.

On that note, putting a ship in orbit around the Mun at ~5km makes for a nice scenic view. If you position it right you won't hit any of the mountains either :)

Games / Re: RuneScape - If I gave you my loving, would you take it?
« on: October 11, 2012, 03:33:31 AM »
Nothing wrong with the circus. It's not the highest experience output but it saves trips around courses (maybe about 10-20) and you can do the other activities whilst you're there. It also resets on penguin day (Wednesday 00:00GMT) so just add it to the list of things to do.

So it's too dark to do anything, yet "Turn on light" works.
The toothbrush is also possessed.

Games / Re: RuneScape - If I gave you my loving, would you take it?
« on: October 09, 2012, 02:56:39 AM »
People in the clan don't forget to get some resources every now and then. We'll need them resources for upkeep/upgrades.

Edit: also i set up a new battlefield layout on A. a CTF
You have to force people to go. It's the only way...

Also, RuneScape is not dead. If you want to confirm this, type:

"R.I.P. Runescape" into notes.

Games / Re: Minecraft; Version 1.3.2 released, mainly bugfixes!
« on: October 09, 2012, 02:53:04 AM »
wowe 6008 pages and I haven't bought this game (yet)

Keep it going, guys.
It's nearly 3 and a half years old. Surely at least one post of many has convinced you to buy it?

Games / Re: RuneScape - If I gave you my loving, would you take it?
« on: October 08, 2012, 03:40:45 PM »
Is that a dragon full or med, and what is that pile of 40 items above the steel plate?
The 40 is possibly caviar or something useless from Barbarian Fishing.

The helm is a med helm. Since some update the med helms are called "Dragon Helm" and the full helms are called "Dragon Full Helm".

Games / Re: Minecraft; Version 1.3.2 released, mainly bugfixes!
« on: October 08, 2012, 03:38:52 PM »
Shadow of Israphel Movie Trailer - They are so serious, just check the description.
That is the best video on YouTube :D Glad to see SoI is returning next month.

Also, if you listen at the end of Honeydew/Simon's entry thing when he says "What's over there" you can hear Duncan laugh. Just pointing that out for no reason.

In all seriousness the Yogscast would get millions from making SoI a full movie simply because:
A) Every supporter will buy it because it's there and so utterly terrible that it's amazing
B) "Suprisingly easy to fap to" - Anon
C) It's in Smellovision

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