Author Topic: Why is the LGBTQ+ community upset with Annoying Orange winning?  (Read 11775 times)

If I recall correctly, he was to make gay marriage illegal. This is what I've heard, and that would be bad.
His official position is that 'gay marriage was decided once and for all by the SC', so that implies that he isn't going to try to make it illegal.

Exactly how he can hold that position while opposing Roe v. Wade defies logic and reason.

The 'T' part of LGBTQ+ absolutely has a right to be upset. Annoying Orange effectively considers all their issues to be 'politically correct nonsense' and will likely appoint Supreme Court judges who will continue to infringe on transgender rights.

care to list a few rights off for me?

no, getting to choose which bathroom you want to pee in is not a loving right

man pence was daddy af when he was younger

damn shame

regardless of what Annoying Orange thinks, his congress, supreme court nominations, and cabinet are the ones that are probably going to make the biggest legacy for him, and that's one of the big things

care to list a few rights off for me?
  • Right to receive medically-insured HRT as treatment for gender dysphoria
  • Right to self-identify on government issued ID
  • Right to be free of discrimination in housing and employment

That's not even the half of it, but I'm not an expert on transgender activism. I was thinking of tossing in 'right to know HIV status by getting tested at Planned Parenthood', but I think that's a pretty tenuous use of the word 'right'. There's a major problem with HIV in the transgender community.

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I'm not even sure what you're mocking here. It's common knowledge that LGBTQ operates like a sociopolitical alliance.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2017, 10:54:08 PM by SeventhSandwich »

because they're sissy friends lol?
They are sore losers?
what the forget why are people so homophobic(?) towards us

I'm not even sure what you're mocking here. It's common knowledge that LGBTQ operates like a sociopolitical alliance.
alright im sure it does buddy

what the forget why are people so homophobic(?) towards us
They're not, they're just being funny trollz

what the forget why are people so homophobic(?) towards us
If you aren't familiar with the people that post here, it's almost impossible to distinguish between who's actually a bigot and who's just posting inflammatory stuff for the lulz. I'm still not entirely sure what the actual breakdown is.

alright im sure it does buddy
Can you elaborate at all?

what the forget why are people so homophobic(?) towards us

because the joke

your head