Author Topic: Blockland in real life  (Read 28593 times)

I wanted to rebuild my house but the wand broke when I slammed it against the brick wall.

Guys how do I get out the map?

Guys how do I get out the map?
the host disabled jets, you gotta go to the airport and get in a helicopter. Just be careful to avoid those weirdo "airport security" RPers... They get really aggressive :(

Tried to hammer somebody on the head, Just got charges pressed apon

A wrench has the power to destroy servers, make computers and controls everything.

I tried to go into my bedroom but compressor ate it

I tried to event my computer, but I just electrocuted myself.

I tried to hammer my boat because it flipped over. It made a hole and it sank.

Hey guys, I saw kompressor, he looked like a Mercedes!

I was shooting someone but suddenly, the gun stopped firing! What is this wizardy?!

I was shooting someone but suddenly, the gun stopped firing! What is this wizardy?!

I'm supprised that you could get away and then post it to hundreds of forumers.
10/5 logic

the host disabled jets, you gotta go to the airport and get in a helicopter. Just be careful to avoid those weirdo "airport security" RPers... They get really aggressive :(

Why do hese weapons slow me down? Ad why do we need hthese blood and ragdoll death mods!?

i entered farlands and my lungs flew out of my body through my back, my spine came out my mouth, and i don't know what happened ot the rest of my internal organs. i think my brain flew off into space

i need a docter

i entered farlands and my lungs flew out of my body through my back, my spine came out my mouth, and i don't know what happened ot the rest of my internal organs. i think my brain flew off into space

i need a docter
Try visiting that doctor rp.