Author Topic: Cheesepizza2 - Bad faith poster  (Read 20131 times)

I love how this instantly set him off. If someone said something about LGBTQ+ or 1352 he probably would have just laughed and nodded. In claiming Magus had political baggage he only revealed the extent of his own.

Why don't we just listen to every 14 year old that says all sides of the spectrum suck? People that are very vocal about trans and racial rights are equally as bad as people that support child-raping megachurches and still actually think black people are subhuman, right? Just don't take a side dude, it's that easy. The kids had it figured out all along.

I hope this kid grows out of his dumbass alt-right phase soon. Everyone who was an edgelord in highschool completely regrets it afterwards.
The funniest thing was him claiming he is a centrist when he is very clearly not

My mans is slippin' and slidin' through the whole political spectrum
And possibly another kind of spectrum as well

My mans is slippin' and slidin' through the whole political spectrum
And possibly another kind of spectrum as well
the visible wavelength spectrum? is he the fabled centrist electrician turned superhero Alt-Light?

phantos you’ve always been such an outspoken advocate of cheesepizzas condition. but i don’t ever see you donating on his behalf on any spectrum disorder related causes......., perhaps the stanford autism research and development center is a good place to start donating..... do it for our kids do it for pizza
i have several off-shore accounts donating millions of dollars at this very moment, furthering the study of cheesepizzas disease and generously funding global research and development teams hard at work learning how to manage and treat this deadly disorder.

brb guys someone just sent me millions of dollars over paypal so im gonna go spend it all on meth and jenkem

as i said, hard at work.

the visible wavelength spectrum? is he the fabled centrist electrician turned superhero Alt-Light?
infra-right and ultra-violeft

infra-right and ultra-violeft
while you're here can you address why you're such an honestly, genuinely loving ignorant person

not until you do as well

the reason i say that is because through countless of your craterbrained posts now you just loving dismiss the post. no matter what anyone says to you, you have to respond. not intelligently, no, with some kind of 4th grade retort or calling the other person a lib/sjw/whatever the forget else. why do you just not change yourself


he could also just stop posting, and all of his problems would go away. theres no point fighting back if he has nothing to retort with besides some strawman. at least shutting up would give the impression he realizes hes wrong, even if he doesnt.

master matthew figured this out so im sure you can too cheese.

thing is master matthew still spews politics every now and then, probably because his diaper rash gets him acting up or sumn