Author Topic: Blockland is getting Boring  (Read 3167 times)

Shame the gameplay is really the issue here. You can't dance around that, pretending not to hear the complaints about it and only focusing on the weapon selection. The CS weapons suck anyway, so...

You're still part of the problem, by the way.
Part of the problem okay how about fixing the problem how about you go make every single weapon from csss exactly how it appears in game.

IF terrains and interiors had stayed we would have a much larger variety im not saying all servers are like this but most are :[
Hah that's a massive joke.  The servers were just as awful with terrains and interiors, what are you even trying to say?

Hell, I'd even say the servers were WORSE.  At least now they look better even if they do suck.

The gameplay is the problem, Dunkass. Not the weapon choice. I just said that to you. Blockland's combat is too floaty and jumpy to be used to remake css. You're also much bigger and the player proportions are wacky. (EG THE HEAD, WHICH MOST PLAYERS AIM FOR) Footstep noise and being able to get rid of it by crouching and gaining accuracy by crouching is also a major part of css which blockland does not have.

I seriously cant understand your ranting you provide errors but no solutions.

The point is there isn't solutions. The server does not work and is not worth playing. That is part of the problem. Your server is what you are complaining about. It has been done to death and is not exciting in any way and is loaded with critical gameplay errors.

Do what you say everyone else should do and do something original.

The quality of this game is relative to you. For example, a hundred and one new, original servers would not improve this game at all for me. I join about three servers:

1) Slicksilver555's Server -- Pseudofreebuild, mostly just for chatting and jumping around.
2) Dotdotcircle's Zen -- Dotdotcircle builds while we jump around on his build and chat.
3) Centhra's Dueling Whitelist-Only -- Private server where we work on revamping Dueling while bitching about how Skill4Life is taking forever with the lobby. Jump around and chat.

Clearly, for me, this game is a glorified chatroom. That's what it is for a lot of people, and we don't mind the 'unoriginal' servers because as long as they don't break the chat feature they don't add anything to the game for us. I don't think I've joined a TDM in a year. If I have, I jumped around and got killed by other players who were playing while I chatted. This game is still interesting to me because as long as I have friends that play I have all of the original content I need.

It's getting a bit long and ranty now so I'll summarize: it's your fault that the game is boring, not the server hosts. If there isn't anything keeping you here, then leave.

I would host a bunch of servers but the thing is 1. I have to build them and I don't have time, 2. I won't always be able to keep them up a lot.

:( my computer died so I can't set up my mega city zombie survival map. However when I get a new computer I am thinking of making a map with a lego minifig style

it doesn't help that OP makes boring and unoriginal game modes

it doesn't help that OP makes boring and unoriginal game modes
Oh this was you
Stop making crappy slayer tdm's that could be made by anyone with a brain

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it doesn't help that OP makes boring and unoriginal game modes

What would be considered original nowadays anyway? Blockland needs better vehicles in my opinion. Imagine a giant Star Wars ATAT on a CP capture map

What would be considered original nowadays anyway? Blockland needs better vehicles in my opinion. Imagine a giant Star Wars ATAT on a CP capture map
problem is vehicles wind up being hijacked or driven by trolls who stay in the seat so no-one can drive

I think you should have a peek in the mirror before complaining about stuffty servers.

A well established and heavily moderated City RP would be a ton of fun. Build a business, build a home. Or build a business building homes. Stuff like that. I might even host one later on.

problem is vehicles wind up being hijacked or driven by trolls who stay in the seat so no-one can drive
Here's an idea- have constant administration on your server. Many dedicated servers fail this.