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Topics - BluetoothBoy

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 [6] 7 8 9 10 11 ... 14
Off Topic / Georges' Birthday!
« on: July 02, 2014, 08:44:46 AM »
Everybody celebrate! It's year number 15 for him.

Off Topic / Help me out with the Steam sale!
« on: June 29, 2014, 06:07:13 PM »
Ok, I have a dilemma. The sale ends at noon central time tomorrow. I won't be receiving my $15 Steam gift card until at least 3:00 PM central tomorrow. Thus, I will miss out on the sale UNLESS someone would be willing to loan me $15 in Steam wallet moneez and I'll just give you my $15 card code once I get it.

Kinda sorta me begging, except you get repaid later.

(Re-posting this here from Steam begging thread because of time-constraints. Off-Topic is much more active than Games.)

Modification Help / Snowboard - Skateboard models, complete!
« on: June 26, 2014, 11:50:54 PM »

Never seen a snowboard in Blockand before, so here it is. It'll function pretty much exactly like the skis.

Don't worry, it's not done, the final product will be much cleaner looking.


• Make basic model. (100%)
• Add bottoms to the straps. (100%)
• Smooth out a few areas. (100%)
• Bevel a wee bit. (0%) - Deemed unnecessary.
• Put trim in a satisfactory position. (100%)
• Place mount point(s). (100%)
• Steal and modify ski script. (100%)
• Play around with scale until it's the right size. (100%)
• Play around with mount point position. (100%)
• Adjust straps, if necessary. (100%)
• Debug. (100%)

Work is going (fairly) smoothly...

Update: The board works, but still needs a bunch of tweaking. Hoping to have it done before the 6th when I head to camp. Get ready making those wintery builds!

Update: Pretty much fully working now, only debugging left to do. I'll have a public testing server up later.

Update: Server up! View server topic here:


Requested after I released the snowboard, so work has begun! Should be much easier and quicker, though, as it is almost identical.

Anyone else have this issue? I tried to join last night, and I keep trying, but it kept crashing Blockland before it even gets to load any datablocks. Don't bother asking for the console.log, I checked it myself, it is normal (no errors or anything out of the ordinary).

Moved from Help 'cause no one was helping. :/

Anyone else have this issue? I tried to join last night, but it kept crashing Blockland before it even got to load any datablocks. Don't bother asking for the console.log, I checked it myself, it is normal (no errors or anything out of the ordinary).

Modification Help / Semi Truck - Updated [WIP]
« on: June 26, 2014, 09:54:34 AM »
Coming soon eventually to Blockland? We can hope.

Also (and I somehow doubt it), is there any way to make a working trailer?


Hello all, I am (slowly) making a game. It is called "Tinder", named after the main character who goes by the same name. Currently, it is simply a basic platform with a background which Tinder can move back and forth on. There's nothing more to it yet. All I do know is that I want to release it as a mobile (iOS) game when it's complete.

So, what should this game be? A simple, single-objective game or a complex puzzler?

Here's a preview of what I have so far. Click for higher quality (video).

Off Topic / I heard y'all like trap moozix...
« on: June 20, 2014, 11:04:32 AM »
Time to show up Jairo. Jk i <3 u jario


(Please, if you don't like trap, don't spew hate for the genre or whatever, just leave it be. Thanks! ;) )

Off Topic / This looks like fun.
« on: June 19, 2014, 12:20:30 AM »

Is it four? I can't remember. I have an idea I want to try involving playertypes and hiding nodes that I want to try. Regardless of what the limit is, I think Baddy should up it, it's sad running out of spots.

Modification Help / How to run invoke a console function in script?
« on: June 13, 2014, 09:20:17 AM »
I'm guessing this would just work normally, but double checking here since I'm not at my computer at the moment and can't check it. Basically, if there is a function you'd normally run from the console (say, mousefire(1);, would that simply be called like a normal function in a script (exactly how I just wrote it? Or is there a more efficient way of invoking these functions? Just so you know, the specific function I'd be calling is setFOV();. Running trace on the setFOV function didn't provide me with anything useful, so don't bother suggesting that.

I tried setting $Pref::Player::DefaultFOV and $Pref::Player::CurrentFOV instead, but upon using trace, it would seem that this only works with an "updateFOV" function, which I can't seem to figure out how to utilize. If someone could inform me on how to call this function, that'd be great, as I am assuming that it could be more efficient than setFOV, unless, of course, this is exactly what setFOV does anyway.

Off Topic / Starting to wonder if I have ADHD
« on: June 13, 2014, 12:53:04 AM »
Not taking this too seriously, but it still makes me wonder. Almost everything he says describes me pretty well.

Off Topic / RIP Forum King (for only a week)
« on: June 06, 2014, 09:50:03 AM »
You will be missed. Until you return, at least. That's pretty likely to happen, I think. Still, let us have a moment of silence.

don't click these links if there are people around

<links removed>

User was banned for this post

Oh Night Fox...

Off Topic / Starting a small "visuals" business...
« on: June 04, 2014, 05:58:56 PM »
Yeah, so... basically, just this:

Not posting this here because I expect to get business from any of you guys, I just want to since it includes stuff I made (and, erm, it helps spread the word around).  :cookieMonster:

Creativity / Starting a small "visuals" business...
« on: June 04, 2014, 05:57:11 PM »
Yeah, so... basically, just this:

Not posting this here because I expect to get business from any of you guys, I just want to since it includes stuff I made (and, erm, it helps spread the word around).  :cookieMonster:

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