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Messages - Deathwish

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Creativity / Re: The new and improved 3D model topic!
« on: February 02, 2014, 01:37:19 PM »

enter the klobb zone, i couldn't even get a good screenshot of these bots fighting since they kept forming lines and shooting each other in the back

Off Topic / Re: Traumatizing stuff.
« on: December 24, 2013, 04:20:55 AM »
It's pretty well known that mammals will kill and eat their young if they get the feeling that having them around is going to get them killed, after all they can just squirt out a bunch more later. It's just a survival thing and leaving the bodies around generally throws predators off their trail.
All this said, I'm pretty used to dealing with assorted animal bits- chickens will eat anything that's small enough and mice infestations in chicken coops will often result in uneaten tails and feet lying around.

Off Topic / Re: Anyone know how to stop hives from itching?
« on: December 23, 2013, 08:41:11 AM »
Benzocaine, put all the benzocaine on it.

Off Topic / Re: It is Iban's 21st birthday.
« on: December 20, 2013, 10:12:21 AM »
Damn, the dude's doing alright, good on 'em.

Off Topic / Re: It is Iban's 21st birthday.
« on: December 20, 2013, 09:02:59 AM »
Is he still a greasy fry cook or what, I fell off the radar for a bit and have no idea what's happened for a couple of years.

Off Topic / Re: It is Iban's 21st birthday.
« on: December 20, 2013, 05:04:23 AM »
Iban is certainly not canadian and certainly not into acting.

Off Topic / Re: Circuit Scribe - THE FUTURE IS NOW
« on: November 29, 2013, 10:48:42 AM »
For my own stuff I'd rather have a printing solution that can print on different materials and has higher power capabilities. The stated limits on this pen are kind of low.
It seems they also manufacture conductive Inkjet and some press printing inks for less casual purposes, would be pretty cool to see circuit bases printed onto fabrics though. I can imagine home-made singing birthday cards turning up using this product, domestic hacking products are just plain good.

So after I took my laptop to Best Buy after the constant crashing (where they updated a video driver and called it good), I just got a completely new bluescreen, along the lines of "attempted to write read-only memory"
This is also an error that could be caused by an issue with the RAM but they said that all hardware was fine.
Microsoft Developer Network suggests it's a driver issue.

I've been considering getting a small long-life SSD for putting all my heavy applications on and leaving the HDD to deal with other fluff, any thoughts on this?

There is a huge difference between "Graphics don't matter" and "aesthetics don't matter".
I guess so, I don't really have much of a leg to stand on when it comes to visuals anyway- I started programming on HellMOO four or five years ago and started on Wayfar1444 last april and chronic text exposure has left me with serious text addiction. I barely even play games these days.

You can get a copy of the Hellcore server and database here, the programming environment is built into the game and code is compiled at runtime. The Hellcore has some pretty neat things like $ which make life easier but  don't expect to get anywhere if you don't know C.
"dwarf fortress"
So you want to make a game with total stuff graphics?
Someone's clearly not a fan of roguelikes.
The usage of ASCII/ANSI in dwarf fortress is deliberate to a degree; one of the reasons it can be so in-depth is because resources that would be used for graphics can be devoted to gameplay calculations instead. You don't need GPU-melting visuals in order to make a good game, it's just one of many factors.

Games / Re: Wayfar 1444 (A Sci-Fi MOO)
« on: November 27, 2013, 04:33:39 PM »
Well damn. It gives (Security Error) when I'm trying to run it. Any ideas?
That generally suggests that your default gateway won't allow the communications the flash client needs, I get the same problem at college where security is pretty tight. Probably firewall related, MUSHclient generally provides more verbose (and less obscure) reasons for connection failure and in this case I'm thinking it's a timeout.

Games / Re: Wayfar 1444 (A Sci-Fi MOO)
« on: November 27, 2013, 02:29:30 PM »
There's some creepy ass wildlife in this game.
Luckily the more extreme wildlife had their spawn rates reduced or are now only permitted to spawn in certain tiles, though I must mention that one of our next projects will be Bio-engineering which is outlined in this post on our development blog. I made a new post earlier today outlining the month's major developments that I can actually remember, most of the mundane changes are too numerous to memorise.

Games / Re: Wayfar 1444 (A Sci-Fi MOO)
« on: November 26, 2013, 02:08:44 PM »
How do I change my password?
@password <old-pass> <new-pass>
I can reset it manually if you forget your new one.
What does the focus command of Situational Awareness skill do?

A "help commands <command>" command would be really good. Ie. help commands east would print you "Makes your character move east."
The focus command gives you a special attack of sorts which recovers some health and dice pools. The help system is a dinosaur and it doesn't parse multiple-word arguments very well as it parses spaces as underscores. It's something better suited to the website.

Edit: The start house has no interior? What's the point of this "building" then? enter house worked now, odd that it didn't before. I might have been in the wrong tile.
Edit2: I'm a retiree and I win when I "control 10 buildings". Does this mean if I build 10 of those starter homes I win the game?
Edit3: nonono some spore stuff got into my lungs and now I'm slowly dying. How do I cure spores in lungs that is for some reason listed as a disease?
The lack of interiors is a sporadic bug relating to how building interiors are only used on-demand and are destroyed later to save RAM. When you've met the requirements of your background you can use the 'reroll' command to ascend and earn reroll points which increase your skillpoint maximum and increase your maximum gadget slots to 2 slots at 5 reroll points and 3 slots at 10 reroll points.
I just made disease treatment kits available from the terminal in prefab shelters/other homes.

I plan to change the guides on the website as soon as I get the FTP credentials, they're pretty outdated.

Games / Re: Wayfar 1444 (A Sci-Fi MOO)
« on: November 26, 2013, 12:11:22 PM »
thanks, now how do I exit the starting place? when i type out it says I cant go there
Use the 'map' command inside central complex, in the main floor there is a blue '=]', there is a dispatch terminal there. Examine it and enter 'choose terminal', which will bring up the list of available planets.
I gotta shoot back home from work so I won't be around for a wee while, there'll probably be some other admins on later to help (exactly how useful they'll be is debatable though).

Games / Re: Wayfar 1444 (A Sci-Fi MOO)
« on: November 26, 2013, 11:24:34 AM »
question, how do I use the combat system?
i cant figure it out :/
The in-game page on Combat:
Help on Combat:
Actions taken by colonists or creatures are resolved by either a skill roll or by consuming dice from your dice pools.


First: designate a target. If you're in a vehicle, you use the TARGET command, if on foot use KILL.
KILL Hawgpadre, TARGET Dibolcrif

Second: Use a combat action. You can see your available actions by typing: ACTIONS. Your actions depend on the weaponry and gear you have equipped, as well as your skills and background.
Example: slash, slash 2

If you are executing a combat action like slash or fire on your favorite weapon, you can specify the number of dice from the applicable pools to roll during the attack. Attacks have varying minimum and maximum dice requirements - you might not be able to roll less than 2 or more than 6 of a certain dice, for instance. But if the number you enter falls within the range of allowable dice, the attack will consume exactly that many dice instead of the default, which is the maximum available attack dice up to your current maximum dice pool.

Colonists have three dice pools, each used in different kinds of attacks or special actions.
[ Clarity ]: Used for judging accuracy with ranged weapons and completing complex tasks.
[ Stamina ]: Used for determining damage caused by high impact attacks.
[ Aggression ]: Used to calculate success in violent or rapid actions, and sometimes used to determine damage caused by some attacks.

When dice are used to produce damage or affect items, they are consumed and your dice pool goes down. The pools will regenerate over time, but a well prepared colonist will find use in quality food, good equipment, or deep investments in a skill group in order to increase available dice.

A dice pool can be replenished with certain nanite injectors, or the effects of some items and areas. Rec dome stimulants and the booster drinks available in the central gear shop are popular among colonists in the wilder areas.

See also: weapons, armor, gear, wilderness
Screenshot tutorial:

If in doubt, use the examine command or 'ex' in the syntax 'ex <thing>' where thing is anything. Using the in-game help with 'help <subject>' is also useful since I've been adding new subjects fairly often.

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