Author Topic: Road Rage  (Read 3693 times)

By the end of the day the man with the gun is more likely to live a few more years than a hippie who gets stabbed to death for letting his/her guard down.
Well seeing as you generally lack common sense that isn’t surprising
where do you ppl live LOL

where do you ppl live LOL
usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa usa

where do you ppl live LOL
in certain parts of texas people will just walk up to your car and yell at you during a red light. better safe than sorry

in certain parts of texas people will just walk up to your car and yell at you during a red light. better safe than sorry
jesus christ it sounds like theres something in the water in texas or something

jesus christ it sounds like theres something in the water in texas or something
Someone has poisoned the water hole!

Someone has poisoned the water hole!
this but unironically

it's always better to be prepared then to be shot in the head by me from the roof of a abandoned store

in certain parts of texas people will just walk up to your car and yell at you during a red light. better safe than sorry
Dallas Traffic drives people crazy

don't forget with texas

Yeah I’ve had someone follow me before too, middle of the night. They got stuck at a red light before I got anywhere close to home. If you’re not big on confrontation OP, and they won’t stop following you, try taking a detour to or near a police station next time. I’ve heard that usually gets people like that to screw.

I went and looked at the nearby police stations where I was being chased and I totally could have done that. I'll do that next time, thanks!

I'll do that next time, thanks!

Uh, how about we hope there isn’t a next time, guy.

i can attest to texas traffic being the most enraging thing i've ever dealt with and it's my job to drive in it. nobody knows how to loving drive here and i'm two cutoffs away from an act of domestic terrorism