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Messages - sting3r3000

Pages: [1] 2
Drama / Re: Quality Sever: CosmicLuv
« on: May 04, 2013, 12:02:20 PM »
you guys need to go outside or something. Stop getting butt-hurt by server admins who you don't like, then coming on the forums to complain about them. RATHER bake some delicious cookies -> :cookie: or relive childhood memories ->  :nes: Or just keep thumbing around your starfish for stuff to be mad about  :cookieMonster:

General Discussion / Re: Message to Badspot.
« on: July 03, 2012, 08:04:29 PM »
goddammit why couldn't you send an email or PM?

It was Half Personal, Half Public. I just would like to know whats going on with the game, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

General Discussion / Message to Badspot.
« on: July 03, 2012, 08:02:44 PM »
Hey Badspot,

If you are somehow magically reading this due to a lack of anything productive to do, please answer the following questions;

What have you been doing to Blockland during 2012?

Do you have any information about an Update sometime in the year?

Where do you think you want the game to go?

Are you currently working on any other projects, or developing any more games?

If anyone other than Badspot has information, please feel free to share :D

Thanks for your time
 - sting  :cookieMonster:

Help / Re: No more server?!
« on: June 02, 2010, 08:22:42 PM »
I didnt forward my ports anyways, and Upnp is enabled already, but I might have found the reason why.. My network setting needed to enabled other networks to find mine.

Help / No more server?!
« on: June 01, 2010, 12:35:49 PM »
Hey, so when I updated Blockland to V14 I was able to host servers because of the "No port-forwarding needed" thing, But I can't host anymore D: I don't know what to do, if it is because of my router or something, so if someone could help me or let me know if they have a similar problem please reply.
Thnx :cookieMonster:

Suggestions & Requests / Whip weapon / tool
« on: June 01, 2010, 12:09:30 PM »
The Whip

Wouldn't that be so cool???

As a tool, it could be used to swing from bricks - either a custom made brick or as an event - or it could be used as a weapon on other blockheads. Not only will it be great for Indiana Jones stuff, but it could be useful in an RP server, or just for fun.
Cookies for whoever makes it  :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:

Faces, Decals, Prints / Re: Wiimote Print
« on: April 09, 2010, 05:04:10 PM »
 :nes: This is pretty awesome, even though its fat, but i aint gonna moan about it :P. I think someone should make a wiimote weapon or tool!

Clan Discussion / Re: Black Fire
« on: February 05, 2010, 11:32:54 AM »

Usual game time:4-9pm (london)
Building: buildings, artwork, some events

Did I do it right? I hope so :S well, tell me if I make it into Black Fire!

Suggestions & Requests / Blockland for teh Wii/ Xbox/ ps3
« on: January 06, 2010, 01:48:01 PM »
how about? releasing blockland as a console game. It could be perchused online and have updates :D cookies for peepz who agree XD  :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:

Faces, Decals, Prints / Re: Awesome Face (that acutally rocks... :3)
« on: January 06, 2010, 01:37:21 PM »
no please... remake it withought the boarder then i download ( n_n )

Add-Ons / Re: New Crosshair
« on: December 24, 2009, 08:13:11 AM »
cool add on, but I found a crosshair pack of 3 on RTB which I think is better. But this is still ok  :nes:

Music / Re: ►►►Don't Post Full Songs.
« on: December 24, 2009, 08:03:37 AM »
Better yet, split the two audio tracks into separate files and play them coming from separate speakers. True stereo sound in Blockland!
Woah... thanx  :cookieMonster: here is your cookiez >  :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: But I would still like to knwo how to convert the stereo's to mono's

Music / Re: ►►►Don't Post Full Songs.
« on: December 24, 2009, 07:59:44 AM »
Which is the easiest way of changing a stereo track to a mono track? Cookies for whoever can answer me XD  :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:

Help / Re: How does a Blockhead recover their authenticity code?
« on: December 24, 2009, 07:56:31 AM »
Thank you XD this really helped alot!

Help / How does a Blockhead recover their authenticity code?
« on: December 24, 2009, 07:39:35 AM »
Heres why I wanna know this: When I downloaded Blockland and wanted to buy the full version, I used my dad's paypal acount. They sent the code to him and I think he must have deleted the message. I am hoping to get a new Computer/Laptop and I want to download Blockland onto it, and then continue using my current authentic code, but how do I recover it, or at least view it?

If you have any Ideas on how I can recover my Authentic code, please leave a response. Thanks.

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