Author Topic: Blockland is freezing up my computer in multiplayer.  (Read 1139 times)

I have seen people having the same issue as i do. Blockland keeps freezing up my computer, but only on multiplayer.

BIOS: Compaq Presario CQ60
OS: Windows Vista SP2
Ram: 3 GB
Processor: AMD Sempron(tm) SI-42

Well. I just found out its only freezing up blockland. What is happening here?

Post a console log.
Just found out i have SP1 But that would not be the case cause i have an computer with sp2 and blockland freezes up on there too.

Blockland is still causing freezing issues here.

looking over the errors in your console.log, all of them seem to be caused by your addons.

so try this:
start singleplayer mode - click the addons button. at the bottom of that window is a button 'None'  click that.
start your map.  run around a little bit.
then try joining multiplayer.

if that works .... then one of your addons is causing you to crash, and you will need to start disabling them until the crash goes away.

if it still crashes -- post your console.log again.

Cool ya went onto Ashley C.'s Family RP. Lol

OnTopic: Re-install BL?

Cool ya went onto Ashley C.'s Family RP. Lol

OnTopic: Re-install BL?
I already fixed it. It was either a couple of settings i fiddled with or some addon hogging up my computer memory. Either way my RAM has reached its limit and was forced to shut down blockland. I deleted some of my addons. Turns out it was the firefighting mod doing it.