Author Topic: Illustrated User Created Story  (Read 5935 times)

Go help a crappy baseball team win the world series.

The cop's foot is doing something! Stare at it for a few moments!

The coffee turns out to be radioactive and he mutates into a huge monster and starts an epic fight with the now dead robber in spirit form. The city watches in awe.

I love you, Worm.  xD

Possess the cop, Pose him in a sugestive manner on your dead body, leave the cop, then take over the closest human, cause a distraction, then leave the body, look for a small animal, possess it, then leave the area.

Hurry up to Valhalla, you don't want to keep Odin and the Valkyries waiting. Also, pick up the teacup which mysteriously did not shatter, you may need it on your quest.

I realize that I suggested a chain of events, but I figured bringing a teacup with you to the afterlife wasn't too demanding.

Lol at the bullet hole in the angel's head, BTW if he murdered numerous people and stole cash, how did he become an angel?  :cookieMonster: Anyways make him go to hell and cause some sort of mischieve. lolwut

When you die you dont turn into an angel you dumbforget.
When you die you become a spirit and either go to heaven, hell or purgatory* and then heaven.

When you die you dont turn into an angel you dumbforget.
Our traveler points out Sheezy's very obvious idiocy, and that he in fact did turn into an angel when he died.

Hurry up to Valhalla, you don't want to keep Odin and the Valkyries waiting. Also, pick up the teacup which mysteriously did not shatter, you may need it on your quest.
Shame, seems our traveler is not only transparent, but also intangible. He hurried up to Valhalla just fine, though.

(A)Lol at the bullet hole in the angel's head, (B) BTW if he murdered numerous people and stole cash, how did he become an angel? 
A: Wasn't sure anyone would notice. ;P
B: Shhhh, you'll mess something up.

Then you yourself lern2religion.

It already is messed up.
As soon as he died there isn't much more to do anymore. I thought this was going to be epic like that explosm thing, but it appears that people aren't able to understand basic concept and suggest only one thing and that our artist isn't very creative (No offense).

I lost interest in this but;

Fly to heaven.

Possess the cop and drain his life force to sustain yourself on earth or else you will have to go to the afterlife. (Oh and you have to do this every once in awhile or you will go to afterlife) And after his life force is all gone you have to find another host.

it appears that people aren't able to understand basic concepts and suggest only one thing