Author Topic: [ID:1768] Zeustal- Bad host, badmin  (Read 3108 times)

The Bad Hoster and Badmin - The liar?
I was building on Zeustal's server, (helping him with his medieval build [also called dissapointment], here are some pics of the builds provided:

he said that as long as i built a house ontop of the build, it won't be deleted. and he will share it in the gallery post that he makes when it's fully finished.

When trying to ask why he deleted said build, this was his response:

If you look closely at the build, you can see that it was built on a baseplate. Also, the lamb sauce was inside the house! A liar? Definitely on my list.

Also, he banned a random person from his server for being gay-- flaming is definitely not allowed on blockland. I suggest banning him from all your servers whenever you encounter him.

this is false i will not be slandered like this how dare you!!!!!!!!

Most likely just a small child but annoying nonetheless

classic zeustal
this is false i will not be slandered like this how dare you!!!!!!!!

Weeks ago, he kept painting stuff all over a drawing board in Rose the Floran's server and called the lambsauce ejaculation "art". Rose had to replace the board at least 3 times, which triggered Zeustal to yap out.

Weeks ago, he kept painting stuff all over a drawing board in Rose the Floran's server and called the lambsauce ejaculation "art". Rose had to replace the board at least 3 times, which triggered Zeustal to yap out.
how dare you speak of this!!!!!
i was trying my hardest!!!!!!!!!

He's an interesting character. Can be funny at times, but loves to get a kick out of messing with people. I wouldn't get to upset over this. People have a right to host any way they choose.

People have a right to host any way they choose.
Just because you're hosting a party, that doesn't mean you're fully allowed to fling stuff at your guests

Just because you're hosting a party, that doesn't mean you're fully allowed to fling stuff at your guests
well you are but don't expect backlash from doing so

well you are but don't expect backlash from doing so
don't expect no backlash i mean wow

Just because you're hosting a party, that doesn't mean you're fully allowed to fling stuff at your guests
lol badspots quote

He's an interesting character. Can be funny at times, but loves to get a kick out of messing with people. I wouldn't get to upset over this. People have a right to host any way they choose.
"The host can do whatever they want, it's their server"
  • Might does not make right.  Just because we can't physically stop people from being jerks on their own computers doesn't make it ok.  We are attempting to stop them via social pressure, that is the point of this forum.

Didn't look like a bad guy when I hosted but you never really know...

probably missing some more context and i can too confirm zeus is a serial joker and will do joke bans n stuff.

he's not a terrible person but he can go over the line at times. he's probably doing all that weird way of saying your build is bad cause he doesn't want to just straight up tell it to your face that it sucks, and wants to deflect that with a joking manner