Author Topic: Weapon_Poop  (Read 14796 times)


This weapon is a throwable ball of poop.  It's a simple edit of Demian's old snowball, and I think you'll agree that it's a really stuffty add-on.


• Sorta nasty yellow-brown color
• Moderate damage -- 25 on direct hit, 25 from poop splash
• Gross splat sound effect


Demian (10334) - Original snowball
Plastiware (1118) - Poop modification


Not to sound brown town here, but this is just an assy decision to make this crappy weapon. Just going to colon you for this, because I will not let it pass.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2014, 12:33:33 PM by Zanaran2 »

I filled my bowel with this addon. Thanks Plastiware!

Well, here come the stuffty puns

this is perfect for family rps

Whoever made this piece of stuff is an starfish.

That model is stuff, no really, it's stuff.
I'll model you a better poop?

That model is stuff, no really, it's stuff.
I'll model you a better poop?

If you want, sure.  I kind of just crapped this add-on out.