Author Topic: i got my temps yesterday  (Read 689 times)

you what

Cars and driving have intrigued me since before I could talk. We have home videos of me sitting on the living room floor in a diaper with Hot Wheels cars saying "Viper....Buick....Ford truck..." while crashing them together. Of course, it sounded more like, "Vipo....Booick....Fod twuck..."

We don't even have that, it's just the three stages of license. Permit, intermediate, then unrestricted
In my state you have to wait six months after you get your permit before you can take your road test. In those six months you have to take the 5 hour and have at least 50 hours of driving with your permit. Of course back when I got my license you could get it a day after you got your permit if you wanted to.

We don't even have that, it's just the three stages of license. Permit, intermediate, then unrestricted

Oh on this, Missouri does Permit, Intermediate License, Under 21 Full License, and Full License. However, I don't think there's any difference between the Under 21 and the Full license besides their names. The Under 21 license doesn't have to be renewed afaik, since mine expires on my 21st birthday.

In my state you have to wait six months after you get your permit before you can take your road test. In those six months you have to take the 5 hour and have at least 50 hours of driving with your permit. Of course back when I got my license you could get it a day after you got your permit if you wanted to.
Here it's six months between each stage. Equaling out to be a year at the most if you're under 21. At 21 It's like 30 days then boom, license.

I still don't have mine because the only time I had the chance my father decided 'hey, lets move again for no good reason' and guess what he left behind at my uncles? My birth certificate..

I just got it replaced recently so I plan on getting my permit asap

Mines like Ravencroft's description, but if you take the class you can get a discount on your insurance