Author Topic: BrickGlance - Look at a brick and add it to your inventory!  (Read 3810 times)

Brick Glance
Look at a brick, type a simple command.
The brick is now in your bricks inventory at the bottom of the screen.

Click the video to see it in action.

  • /bg - command to add the brick to your inventory
  • /toggleBrickGlance -  turn brickGlance on or off. Admin only.

    Planned for v2:
    • Command to make it admin only
    • Timeouts?


    If you have any suggestions for this mod, or problems with it, let me know!

    The video is private, make it unlisted.


    is there a way to make this clientsided and activated with a keybind?
    « Last Edit: July 21, 2014, 02:32:06 PM by RedJohn »

    is there a way to make this clientsided and activated with a keybind?

    activated with a keybind?
    Well, you can keybind a command, so that should be possible. I'm not so sure about the client-sided part.

    I could make the keybind, but as far as the client - sided part, I don't think that's possible. I don't know though.

    is there a way to make this clientsided and activated with a keybind?
    I honestly don't see why not, but i'm not some expert coder so don't expect it

    Wow! This may just come in handy. Will there be a keybind and can it work with Too Many Bricks Inventory?

    I'm currently working on making this client sided, and having a keybind, but I have to use maths and stuff... so it will probably be done in a couple days, maybe more.

    thank you  thank you  thank you. thank you

    Can this be keybound?
    Realy need keybind like a ("v" or other)...