Author Topic: Mr Spearbow's Music Pack [MOVED]  (Read 2294 times)

Moved into music section.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2014, 11:02:44 AM by Vitawrap »

This goes in the music section.

Just a quick fyi, you might want to lock this and move it there.

Welcome to the forums.
Now I'd lock this and move it to the Music section before you get criticized, which you probably will.
Seeing as you're new, I'll tell you how to lock it, assuming you don't know, which I doubt you do.
At the bottom left of the window, under the post, there's a button that says .
Click it to lock the post. Once you locked it, the Quick Reply will dissapear at the bottom, and you won't be able to reply anymore.
It's a guaranteed way to kill a topic.

you're new, and I'm pretty sure you don't know anything
Date Registered: 06.08.2012

Date Registered: 06.08.2012
I still assume what I assume.
For starters, he/she has been on the forums that long, yet this is his/her first post.
Along with that, I highly doubt they would make the mistake of posting this here if they did have experience on the forums.

The way I think of it, either this person has been sitting on an unverified account and just decided to buy a key and use the account they created back in 2012, or this person been playing the demo for quite a while now and only really got into the forums just now.

I will go ahead and tell you that I did not really look to the date registered, but only really noticed that this was their first post. So I will go ahead and give you the credit for bringing up that detail, which does spark some curiosity from me about this individual, and why they've been sitting inactive on an unverified account for so long anyways.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2014, 11:01:28 AM by Xanderian »

I played the demo since v6/9 and finally got a key a month ago.

I played the demo since v6/9 and finally got a key a month ago.
That does explain it. Although I don't understand how you wouldn't have seen the Music section in all that time. Oh well. You should probably lock this before some more people start to notice it and try to reply.