Author Topic: Making counting avatars (again)  (Read 1287 times)

Hellhound will destroy the world in
5 minutes
At the end make an explosion.

Time until I trick someone to press Alt F4
Time starts at 60 seconds please.
At the end, could you make it so the screen falls down?

Make me one counting up saying "v21 comes out in" starting at 2121

Victor Von Doom's


Time until the Timer resets.
60 seconds counting down.


I decided to start doing this again.If you want one, simply tell me a few things. First, what number it starts at, the text it has, and how long between numbers (if it's not seconds). If you want, there can be an image in the background, or it can loop. I can have gif animations in the background sometimes, but it will not be transparent.
Title : "How many brain cells have you lost :"

Counting up from 0

Text at the bottom : "cells"

Bester Bagler's

It cannot count upwards forever, obviously.


I made it extra interesting.

Do one that says "forum will self destruct in" and counting down from 1:00 in seconds please
« Last Edit: August 07, 2012, 05:51:55 PM by Mr Man »

"I am goingo to go to go to your house in"
counting down from 1:00
"seconds" :)

make one v21 is comming out in 24 hrs

Make a one that says
"HL2 Episode 3 will come out in *counting up from 1* (bottom text=)Years.

I would get one if
I didnt have such a fitting avatar ;)