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Messages - Parallel

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I've been on here for the last few hours saying goodbye to friends and such. And my reply to you will probably be my last post.

You, Ike, are indeed a hypocrite in my book. I don't mean that as an insult, but as the truth.

You seem to be the one running away from your problems. Considering your constant barraids on people's ego. Judging from your unfriendly tone, and just general rudeness, I can easily see you might have even infact been raised to run away from your problems in that fashion.

You see, it's very easy to pin things on people. It's just as easy to call them idiots for it. But in truth, it is you, in your mind, who is in fact an idiot. It's simple psychology really; you have extremely low self esteem, and you deal with it by being an increasingly aggressive towards others.

As for the internet. It's a large area maintained by different people. You can imagine yourself locked away in this fantasy that every aspect of the internet is the same, but in reality it's not.

I am not smarter for admitting anything. I am smarter from knowing people like you. Because I can learn from other's mistakes, including my own. I hope you can do that too, as it's generally healthier.

In conclusion, I must say that life gives us a lot of stuff. We all deal with it different ways. I've learnt that partly because of you. In my opinion, you've got a lot of stuff to learn, but it's somewhat unfortunate you wont learn it. As in my book, things can be learned educationally, but not intellectually nor deeply psychologically. In term's you might understand, you'll never get better, you'll always be who you are which is unfortunate.


It took a talk with a good friend of mine to do remind me of my morals, and of who I am. And it reminded me that this is what I am not.

Well well. It has come to this. I should reveal my identity to all of you. I am Mr. Mustard. I was originally from V8 and was constantly ridiculed and such by certian members of the game. After that passed I got in here with a million different alts (frogg, brimir, tacky, mr. moonlight) and many more, in order to restore my reputation. I failed. I thought it was me. I really did. So to prove to myself that I could return without banishment or ridicule, I returned as Parallel. Of course I was treated like stuff again. But I hadn't gotten banned, so I guess that was a step forward. Although I will get banned for this obviously, but this is intentional.

All in all. I found out it wasn't me who had kept loving up each time, it was the community. I have grown to hate this community with a passion. Including the administrators who do absolutely nothing to keep the game community in control, other then get power hungry and constantly ban others. This egotistical, rude attitude spread easily to the community as I could see.

I have grown up, and I've learnt a great deal. I'm going to go get a life now rather than stay here and on Blockland being treated like stuff. Enjoy your game, I hope you do. I don't care what happens to this forum or this game, as I am leaving it. And I plan to leave it for good.

This post was mainly made for the people who know me, in game. As really no one knows me only by my forum name. A small few know me as my Blockland account, Casio. Casio, signing off for the last time.


User was banned for this post

Sorry for the double post. I just wanted to clarify what I mean by "didn't get". Basically everyone took my completely literally. When honestly I am not even Christian.

This right here should be bannable.
I honestly don't see what I did wrong.

I made a joke topic. No one got the joke. So I locked it, adding a poll that I thought would express to me the numbers of people who didn't get the joke.

I'm not trolling.

Oh sweet my own drama. Well there are so many I have to thank. Well, Jesus of course.  :cookieMonster:

Off Topic / Re: tl;dr and /b/
« on: December 07, 2010, 06:15:59 PM »
tl;dr = Too long; didn't read.

I think /b/ is the community 4chan if I'm not mistaken.

Off Topic / Re: A question to christheads (yay reli-war)
« on: December 07, 2010, 06:08:40 PM »
lets all stop arguing and sing big time rush
Speaking of being gay.

Off Topic / Re: A question to christheads (yay reli-war)
« on: December 07, 2010, 06:07:37 PM »
I understand the difference very well. I'd like to point out I'm agnostic, not atheist, so I can understand people being deistic, or having faith. My argument is always against religious institution, or religions as factions.Yes they do. They automatically do because the love for another human being is indiscriminate of gender. They can't comprehend the actual appeal or attraction, much like I can't comprehend why little prepubescent girls like Just Bieber so much, but on an empathetic level, anyone who experiences love should be able to empathize.
Empathizing for someone and actually feeling what they do and completely different from one another. Someone who is straight can not comprehend what it is like to love a man on a deep emotional level. Sure, they can empathize. They can agree or somewhat feel at a very surface level what the homoloveual individual does, but it still lacks that deep emotional feeling. So being empathetic for a gay person and actually being gay are completely different.

Off Topic / Re: A question to christheads (yay reli-war)
« on: December 07, 2010, 06:00:10 PM »
WhoDa, I have a question for YOU. Why are you handicapped? Is it because your mother smoked and drank during pregnancy, did you fall on your head? Maybe your daddy beat you a little too hard. Honestly what makes you so loving handicapped that you intentionally start something like this? And to all of you other little friends supporting his behavior, you're just as handicapped.
I strongly agree with you, yet why use that tone? You're just adding gasoline to the fire.

Off Topic / Re: A question to christheads (yay reli-war)
« on: December 07, 2010, 05:58:53 PM »
Point taken.

Just as a side note as well (I thought I posted this already, but I couldn't find it :c), I want to thank you for stating religion specifically when you talk about such matters. The difference between religion and 'Faith' is great, though some fail - or down right refuse - to recognize this.
Relgion is through blood, faith is through belief. Some people fail to recognise this thinking religion is simply faith.
people have already put up valid arguments against you, you just refuse to listen to them.
Well, I have listened to them. And I disagree. Someone who loves a woman does not know what it's like to love a man. He can't just apply it like a sticker. So there, my opinion stated in plain english.

Off Topic / Re: A question to christheads (yay reli-war)
« on: December 07, 2010, 05:55:35 PM »
yes it is.
god you're handicapped.
Oh blow it out your ass. You can't even state an argument properly. "oh you're handicapped" for some reason counts as a viable argument to you, and most individuals for some forgeted up reason.

Everything is a matter of opinion. Unless everyone can believe it is fact. It's unfortunate, but it's true. If someone has no belief in something, than they have opinion of something else.

Off Topic / Re: A question to christheads (yay reli-war)
« on: December 07, 2010, 05:52:31 PM »
Are you handicapped or something?

If you love a girl it's the same as someone else loves a guy.
If you love mayonnaise more then ketchup it's the same like someone else loves ketchup more then mayonnaise.
If you like a certain special interest more then a different one it's the same as if someone else's loving a different special interest then your certain one

If you know how it feels to love then you know how it's for everyone else.

bla bla bla, do I have to draw a picture for you or even sing a song?
That's not necesserily true.

Off Topic / Re: Badspot should stop tolerating all this Religion war.
« on: December 07, 2010, 05:49:59 PM »

Off Topic / Re: There is no right religion
« on: December 07, 2010, 05:46:55 PM »
I think this explains everything.
Oh my lord, Reptilianism.

Off Topic / Re: A question to christheads (yay reli-war)
« on: December 07, 2010, 05:45:29 PM »

You're making no sense. Do you even know what you are saying?

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