Author Topic: Servo2 (ID: 33520) - Hates me for no reason  (Read 5020 times)

He could dislike you because you hosted a CityRP

pretty sure he's an admin on tezuni's servers (surprised, anyone?)

because gender makes a huge loving point here amirite guys
Dude, he was only correcting the OP, no need to act like a clown towards him

Dude, he was only correcting the OP, no need to act like a clown towards him
Why does correcting me about their gender matter? It doesn't really make a difference.

He could dislike you because you hosted a CityRP
Doubt it, he's been like this to me for years before I even thought about making a CityRPG.

I can't believe some people still fall for the ALT+F4 trick.

Anyways, /support

I can't believe some people still fall for the ALT+F4 trick.
Not everyone knows what every key does :)

pretty sure he's an admin on tezuni's servers (surprised, anyone?)
He's not, and never has been admin on my servers.

Servo2 is a complete richard. Visolator just perma ban him from the server.

Whoops, didn't read the entire topic. Viso already did.

servo sucks and so do his servers. The only mod on his server a while ago kept kicking people and banning people beacuse he was "getting annoyed..." loving tard.
also his name was spaapi if anyone would like to not mod him

Yeah, he kept killing me and Servo was trying to tell him to stop lol

Yeah, he kept killing me and Servo was trying to tell him to stop lol

Just perma spaapi, he got banned a dozen times for doing this stuff.

He is and always will be an annoyance.

servo sucks and so do his servers. The only mod on his server a while ago kept kicking people and banning people beacuse he was "getting annoyed..." loving tard.
also his name was spaapi if anyone would like to not mod him
Yeah Spaapi was being an abusive twat.
I came back on today to find my large treehouse build with a snazzy jazz room underneath had been cleared to make room for an empty lot with a sign saying "spaapi's land" despite the abundance of free lots.
Spaapi is a douche and should be banned from the server.

Yeah Spaapi was being an abusive twat.
I came back on today to find my large treehouse build with a snazzy jazz room underneath had been cleared to make room for an empty lot with a sign saying "spaapi's land" despite the abundance of free lots.
Spaapi is a douche and should be banned from the server.

Spaapi is an edgy stufflord, He was on cool blockheads server bragging about going on the deep web. He also got banned upwards of 10 times for being a nuisance, flaming people, and freekilling. Hes a habitual problem.