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Messages - storm_warrior

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Crown & Niblic's Jailbreak
« on: August 20, 2016, 06:34:34 PM »
Server crashed during map change.

Rip Crown's PC...

General Discussion / Re: Crown & Niblic's Jailbreak
« on: August 18, 2016, 05:39:52 PM »
Small quality of life update
All shop items are now sorted by price.
VIP items are first on the shop list to avoid accidental purchases like the burger was
Removed /refundBurger
Fixed Banana and WhiteDart items not appearing in the shop
Fixed issue where you could scroll past the last item in the shop
Added a bunch of new hats, here is the updated shop list:

Royal - VIP
Sunglasses - 3000
Scarf - 3600
Plunger - 3800
Sock - 4000
Burger - 4000
Juice - 4200
Popeyes - 4500
Gasmask - 4600
Cone - 4800
Blindfold - 5200
Present - 5600
Hood - 5200
Camera - 5200
Present - 5600
Halo - 6000
Ninja - 6000
FatHair - 6200
Board - 6500
Wizard - 6600
Banana - 7000
Glow - 7500
TV - 10000
Cat - 13000
GoldenTophat - 15000
Divine - 16000
Headcrab - 18000
Alien - 20000
Crowned - 42000000
Buff - 100000000

LotsOMoney - VIP
WhiteDart - 2300
Flame - 2300
Dust - 4500
Rainbow - 5500
Sparkles - 5600
Heart - 5000
Acid - 5200
Potleaf - 7200
Laser - 8000
MagicBanana - 9000
Sphere - 10000

I'm willing to add more hats and trails to the shop if anyone wants to make some trails or something let me know.

I literally just wasted 10,000 on old hats and trails... Ugh... xd

General Discussion / Re: Crown & Niblic's Jailbreak [Shop Update]
« on: August 18, 2016, 05:36:09 PM »
Hey it's EpicCookie putting in more suggestions for this server :) . So over the time of playing Crown's Jailbreak server there's been an issue that I think we can all see based on new players. The rules that are on are very messy at the moment. I say this because at times I see warden rules scattered around the list and also see so many random prisoner rules out of no where and makes it pretty unorganized (reply to me if you'd like a reorganized list of rules for you :).Having unorganized rules can create problems and make players feel lost within their very first match of Jailbreak. Another thing I've noticed is the lack of online mods. Of course Jailbreak is fun and requires at least one mod on but to have that mod just go afk is defective and bad situations can occur rather quickly. Hopefully as new players get themselves situated with this server everything will be better balanced. The administration team is so great that they listen to every response and problem going on at the time. Never had I not gotten a response from questions I have or reports I've made. I've also recently seen that the Desert map's red line problem near the administrator side got fixed (but there's still one thing I'd have to point out in game :p ). One last thing to talk about is Simon says, this game gets confusing at the time and I'd like to add to the terminology for Simon Says

Simon Says: You must do all commands prefixed with "Simon says." This game must be started with "We are now playing Simon Says" and ended with "We are no longer playing Simon Says". Variations of this phrase are allowed but it should always be clear. Unless said otherwise, the Warden is always Simon. ARs in place can't be taken out during the game unless "Simon says" that a particular AR is voided.

Hope the administration can read this and reply :)

Quote towards Crown: If your Bl_Id is 2143 and mine is 3421... You can scramble the numbers out to be the same! We must be related or-- somethin'

Lets not get this wrong but... I think Crown's server has a lot of potential and is really popular and fun!  Crown & Niblic's jailbreak server is very unique in the case that they have people that make the server fun. Take the popular server, Tezuni's Prison Escape, Tezuni's is fun but it lacks the creativity sense that Crown & Niblic have. Jailbreak has endless possibilities and with new maps coming out by the users it'll be even more fun! I think that jailbreak can last sooo long! Just because of the community being able to participate once they've played 12 hours in game. I hope to see Crown's and Niblic's jailbreak grow and be so much more better. With that in mind I think that a rule should be edited, that rule is rule 26. the rule states that people have the default control scheme. This means that in a FR/LR the warden cant state "LR type: ****** " the *s representing a cursed word. This is because people having a default control scheme can not see the curse word and can end up killing them. This should also apply with "LR state X's Bl_Id" because it isn't on in the player list normally.(Unless the google the Bl_Id which just takes too long and puts those not having it at a disadvantage) Maybe adjust the FR/LR gamemode to restrict cursing and Bl_Id because most players don't activate stuff in the advanced options. Welp. theres my little rant but  this gamemode is awesome! I have a few more suggestions but it'd would take a while to type in this message. LOL. Keep on goin' Crown and Niblic with this awesome server! I hope to see a lot more on this server! Cya for now!

Quote for this server: Baby squirrel, you's a lovey motherforgeter

General Discussion / Re: RubberFruit's Grapple Randomizer
« on: September 17, 2014, 05:20:16 PM »

Why I should accept you: I belive that i could help out your server in applying rules and banning the people that create a nusiance and disrupt others from having a good time on the server.
What makes you Stand out among the Crowd of Applicants: I think that I carry a emotion that makes me not get mad and i deal with situations as calm as possible.
Who Recommends you: My friends
Your Best skills: coping with mean people, disrupting trolls, and having commitment to the server. I also try to give nice ideas and of course I have the magic touch of architecture.
What Timezone you Are in: Eastern Time Zone(Parkville,MD)
Past Administration/Moderation Experience: My own Mini Empires Server and helping my friends for a Bridge TDM.
What You're applying For: Administration and a supportive role.
[/quote] "Hey Bro, I'd Tap that server."

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