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Messages - dcseal

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Kick it.

Forum Games / Re: Dictionary Uno - That game where you say stuff.
« on: March 18, 2017, 01:08:37 AM »

Super Creeper.

Add-Ons / Re: Support_Render - New Renderman Mod
« on: March 14, 2017, 07:13:45 PM »
I think this may have broken my Blockland Glass, but I don't know.

Help / Re: Slayer can't save minigames
« on: March 08, 2017, 01:12:36 AM »
By saving the minigame do you mean you're unable to update settings in an existing minigame, not being able to properly set your favorites, or what?
I'm not able to set favorites at all. For as much as i've looked into it, there's no catches or anything like that, you just click set fav and a number and nothing happens.

Help / Slayer can't save minigames
« on: March 06, 2017, 10:35:40 AM »
This is a really irritating problem I have. It's basically sitting in front of me taunting me. I've tried re-installing the mod, I've tried re-installing blockland, I've tried verifying the game cache, i've tried to update to the newest version, nothing seems to work. If anyone could help me with this, or fix it, I'd be grateful.

Games / Re: Anyone play Rainbow Six: Siege?
« on: March 06, 2017, 10:32:31 AM »
I was looking for a thread like this. I know I'm pissing some off for boosting an old thread but no replies so yeah!
And that does sound fun, but if we are using mics count me out. I don't want to share my voice.

I do still play R6. I didn't expect it to be so.. unpolished. Many glitches and overpowered things are STILL here. The new G. E. O. Operator "Jackal" has a fully automatic C7E that has VIRTUALLY NO RECOIL. You can get your camera stuck randomly on ranked matches. Mira's Vector is ridiculous. Fuze's cluster charge's blast radius is a little to big. But, yeah I still play it. It's fun, I have a few DLC'S, Valkyrie and Jackal.

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Bring this gamemode back
« on: March 01, 2017, 10:05:32 AM »
Thanks! I looked for this as well and I found it, but it seemed different from the one I played. The creepkill didn't kill as fast etc. I think Super Creeper is the new one I'm looking for. I might host a server for it if I can pickup a map.

Suggestions & Requests / Bring this gamemode back
« on: March 01, 2017, 01:44:39 AM »
I really want to try to host a server with this gamemode but I can't remember the name. It had to do with a usually pink or purple 1x1 virus spreading and filling the map, and you had to fight it with a special spray can for as long as you can. What was it called, is there still a download for it, and if not can we bring it back?

Drama / Re: Apology
« on: February 28, 2017, 09:49:00 PM »
I guess that point is fair. Moving on.

Drama / Re: Apology
« on: February 28, 2017, 09:37:58 PM »
Well it's easy to hide your bad deeds if everyone else forgot about them.
...So yes, you are getting it.

Well even if it's the better idea I don't want to do it that way, because it feels wrong.

Drama / Re: Apology
« on: February 28, 2017, 09:32:37 PM »
You should have not said anything. You've got hardly any profit on making a reputation stunt like this.
You could have just started all over new again but you're setting yourself back by connecting yourself to your previous self.
Fair, but, you do realize you are basically saying, "Forget your bad deeds and try to hide them"? That's how I'm getting it.

Suggestions & Requests / Anti-Leave Vehicle
« on: February 28, 2017, 09:29:47 PM »
You know when you're flying and one guy jumps out because he thinks it's funny, and it makes the plane tilt forward and spaz out Blockland style? Can some mod be made to stop that? Like a /lock and /unlock command to prevent jumping out.

Drama / Apology
« on: February 28, 2017, 09:25:09 PM »
No. This isn't bear_tracks or some joke troll. This is legit.

So about say I don't know years/months I was active on the forums, and I made quite a idiot of my self. I had bad grammar, stupid social skills, and was stuff on a lot. I recently got back into Blockland, and wanted to come back to the forums as well anew. So yeah, as depressing as it really is i'm back and I'm sorry for the ways I was an annoying brat on the forums, and in game. I disrupted and disturbed. The only golden days was the SWAT RP I did for a while. Some times it turned out to be pretty decent. I got drama'd and made bad dramas multiple times. As hard as it is, I want to forget that. I want to come back to the amazing game that blockland is and try to come back to the forums new. So, that's it. And i'm not coming back to the drama section either, this will be my only post here, to say i'm formally sorry for the I was.

Forum Games / Re: Describe the above user's avatar with one word v2
« on: February 27, 2017, 12:56:07 AM »

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