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Messages - FaZe Adapt

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Drama / Re: Nitsplicum (Ex Username KiritoTheGamer)
« on: June 25, 2018, 10:51:52 PM »
Here you go

Drama / Re: Nitsplicum (Ex Username KiritoTheGamer)
« on: June 25, 2018, 10:39:25 PM »
not my server

Drama / Nitsplicum (Ex Username KiritoTheGamer)
« on: June 25, 2018, 10:35:39 PM »
Nitsplicium and I have been friends for a few years, Just Recently he's started to become a cunt. Becoming more annoying. He relies on spam with the following evidence  Nitsplicium: boioi
Nitsplicium: boiobiboiboiibbobibiobiboiboi boi
Nitsplicium: boiboiboiboiboiboiboiboiboibo iboiboiboiboi
Nitsplicium: boi
Nitsplicium: boi
Nitsplicium: u
Nitsplicium: t
Nitsplicium: h
Nitsplicium: e
Nitsplicium: r
Nitsplicium: e
Nitsplicium: ?
Talking stuff about me in a server saying
"Good I don't have to deal with your stuff fut"
I personally like the kid, But he's just getting out of hand.
not to mention he's only 10.
Trying to get me to look at a youtube link by spamming it.

Hello. If you already know, I've been an starfish in the past, I will tell you why I've been one lately, So I had a friend that was my best friend through my whole life and He died so I've been pretty sad and with people acting the way the usually do I act like a starfish, So I'm over the death and I'm going to move on, Thank you for reading this.

Hey just curious, why did you change your name/make your alt "FaZe Adapt"?
I had made my account and the name was FaZe Adapt, Then later on changed my name and the Forum name never changed.

Hold on, are you like Jackal & Hide? Are you nice on servers but a total asswipe on the forums?
No, I'm nice on the game (if you don't totally piss me off.) But when someone stuffposts somthing about me, I can act like a richard..

Sure! Start proving it and actually act nicer and then we will believe you!
Yes! If you want to see me being nice, meet me at Cannon666's server.

Haha rightEither you get out of the forums, or be nicer to people.
I'll be nicer, Okay?

probably isn't even 7are you sure, and put a space after your commas god
I'm above 7.

Hello.I have seen you guys posting stuff about me,I'm coming out (not saying I'm gay) I want to tell you that what I have done is wrong I'm ashamed,I hope you can forgive me for this,once again I'm sorry.

Drama / Re: DirtyGal69's , Again...
« on: May 17, 2016, 10:35:57 PM »

I love how we're still arguing but it's getting less tense now :D

Drama / Re: DirtyGal69's , Again...
« on: May 17, 2016, 10:20:32 PM »
I can imagine Futuristic typing up a response that goes along the lines of "you're all friends forget off"
Yea,Never going to say that :)

Drama / Re: DirtyGal69's , Again...
« on: May 17, 2016, 09:58:34 PM »
Wait wow he's Futuristic

Oh boy
Good job,You figured it out.

Drama / Re: DirtyGal69's , Again...
« on: May 17, 2016, 09:53:19 PM »
What is shown here is you being a complete friend. That ban reason is enough for someone to believe you're a badmin with a douchebag's brain.

And by the way, Talking like this,btw,isn't proper grammar. Surprised you passed that initiation stuff on DirtyGal's server.
Oh forget off,You're acting like a 6 year old by calling me a "badmin with a douchebag's brain."

Drama / Re: DirtyGal69's , Again...
« on: May 17, 2016, 09:45:43 PM »
I'm pretty sure Futuristic's BLID is 102322
Cannon,I always thought you were a good friend,But Instead you had to turn and be a Jerk with your admins,I have seen that you have changed alot,I would like to say That you're a douchebag and I hope you have a nice day,Goodbye.
P.S:I always thought you were "kinda" cool,But now that you have done this,You aren't stuff to me.

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