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Messages - monekyfan31

Pages: [1]
Off Topic / Re: Numa numa
« on: August 02, 2006, 12:19:23 PM »
Step 1. Buy some strong rope.
Step 2. Find a sturdy tree.
Step 3. Tie any kind of a noose.
Step 4. Tie rope to tree.
Step 5. Get a stool or something to stand on.
step 6. slip head through previously mentioned noose, kick away stool.

Result: A much more happy world.

That Pisses me off beyond belief, I bloodied a guy up for doing that. That really REALLY REALLY offends me. you might not have thought about it, but some people have very close friends and family members who have commited Self Delete. WHODA THUNK IT?!

oh, and keal, nice link.

General Discussion / Re: USSR suffers from bad admins?
« on: August 02, 2006, 12:02:19 PM »
Why doesnt someone just find out their current admin password... and pm it to everyone who isnt in USSR, but they cant be good friends with anyone in USSR that already knows the admin pw.... That way everyone knows, but might not be as stupid about it.

Because we don't have an admin password at the moment?

maybe there is someone who does, who is about to quit. OR someone could "rise" in ranks.

General Discussion / Re: USSR suffers from bad admins?
« on: August 02, 2006, 11:51:44 AM »
Why doesnt someone just find out their current admin password... and pm it to everyone who isnt in USSR, but they cant be good friends with anyone in USSR that already knows the admin pw.... That way everyone knows, but might not be as stupid about it.

General Discussion / Re: im makeing a rpg and need help
« on: August 01, 2006, 02:18:15 PM »
lol, learn2lie. Oh, and most RPG attempts have crashed and burned... i wouldnt try and make another.

(I can't think of anyone but him and I who are from "the beginning" that still browse, play, and support this game)


Lol, I played with Luquado back when the TSS invasion started... lol, those were good times. I want to play the game so badly, but I was forced into a mac by my parents. Im happy i was, but my only regret was that I couldnt play blockland anymore. I read the forums alot. I have started posting more, because I am going to be able to play on my bros old alienware now. I cant wait. XP. I really wanted to beta when I found out retail. But I use a mac, but couldnt I beta the mac edition?

Clan Discussion / Re: Spankin' New Clan: Ass Pirates
« on: August 01, 2006, 12:19:59 AM »
i giggled, but I take offence to this, we have family friends who are gay, and I REALLY dont like this. But I giggled so much... LOL... im sorry, i might join tho :P.

Clan Discussion / Re: OMG Ex-USSR Member Reveals All
« on: July 31, 2006, 11:56:20 PM »
more like lies and... SANDALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LIES AND SANDALS LIES AND SANDALS!!!!!!!!

General Discussion / Re: USSR suffers from bad admins?
« on: July 31, 2006, 12:27:59 AM »
Look, I know you guys can do whatever you want on your own servers, but look at all the topics complaining.  Doesn't it tell you something?
What if I call a USSR admin a, poophead? (imsorry that was immature, but I actually got kicked one time from a room for doing that, jokingly)
Oh, and I used to be in USSR, back when blockland wasnt noob overloaded, and back before I converted to mac. (around the TSS era) and yes, I was in a clan with the name... is that WAS the USSR that is so big today. (P.S. do digi and Iquado still use BL? I havent been able to talk to digi on msn in quite a bit.)

General Discussion / Re: We're pathetic...
« on: November 11, 2005, 10:57:26 PM »
Luaquado has been around a little after I started, so sonsidering that, he should basically have more...

General Discussion / Unix & blockland
« on: November 11, 2005, 10:55:09 PM »
does blockland have an edition on unix? I played it back in January... about 1 week before TSS (now ATOS) told veiwers about it... ANYWAY I had all comps. that had blockland installed had gotten hackers... (scripting/hacking websites) I now am using a Unix (havent gotten a virus in about 4 months! coming up on my 5th) and I was wondering if I can use blockland on my Unix.



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