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Messages - AndroFox

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 51
Off Topic / Re: I am married
« on: January 27, 2022, 03:27:11 AM »
it's strange to think i wouldn't have met foxscotch if it weren't for this silly block game

thank you guys
it has been incredible seeing everyone here grow up

Off Topic / Re: This guys reading BLF who is he?
« on: January 14, 2021, 07:03:32 PM »
Patrick Deuel was the world's heaviest man and you can see that scene here at 5:45

Off Topic / Re: vhina will ruin blovkland
« on: January 13, 2021, 08:18:10 AM »
o no

vaccines can be remotely dangerous but being exposed to the viruses that they protect you from is unimaginably worse

that's my take on it at least

Off Topic / Re: Who has the best avatar in the house?
« on: December 19, 2020, 07:33:41 AM »

Off Topic / Re: democrats caused corona
« on: May 21, 2020, 10:18:16 AM »

Off Topic / Re: who was the nibba in chick fil a
« on: December 11, 2019, 01:48:42 PM »

Off Topic / Re: The only way to revive Blockland, period
« on: November 23, 2019, 01:01:41 PM »
(hot take incoming)

the removal of the old-style maps and death of RTB were the biggest factors to Blockland's decline
the dynamic lighting was just not worth it

blockland also couldn't amass a consistent global player base because it never had any sort of lag compensation implemented, so playing with a ping higher than 150 is unbearable, specially when aiming guns

the game also has a terrible support for international keyboards. a lot of keys just don't work on my non-US keyboard and makes the playing the game a pain, specially when using commands that require special characters

Blockland never took off because Badspot believed "moving to the US" was a reasonable solution to get a playable game experience. he never addressed international issues with much seriousness -- probably didn't really care. his unprofessionalism was ultimately what led to the downfall of the game

Off Topic / Re: it's been a long run
« on: November 22, 2019, 11:00:14 PM »
Again, badspot extends the time of date where he pulls the plug by a week every time someone says it's dead or dying, so we've got a few millennia or so more to go
the forum is dying

The title may have been quite eye grabbing, but my point was always that's the community makes Linux stuff. So many are arrogant and deceitful, spreading misinformation to defeat their enemy. This is the quickest path to self destruction.

Microsoft is Evil, yes.
Lying to decieve people is more evil. You may not be part of the loud obnoxious "Linux Master Race" types, but there are plenty who try to convince everyone that Linux is better at everything.

They're either liars or delusional.

I am certain that many members of the Linux community do not fall into those categories you described. Yes, I understand a few bad apples spoil the bunch, and I'm sorry it has been this way for you. There are a lot of things pro-Linux people don't tell about you, and one of those things is that it takes a lot of work to get a system working the way you want.

If you're ever willing to give Linux another try, without any specific goal in mind, I would recommend using the main release of Ubuntu -- namely the LTS version. I don't have any experience with Pop!_OS, but I know for sure that Ubuntu _often_ works out-of-the-box. It is the distro that takes the least amount of work to set up (but that doesn't mean that you aren't going to run into issues.)

Some people (although uncommonly) experience problems with their video cards (specially hybrids) and with Wi-Fi. For the least setup work, I recommend using a desktop with a dedicated graphics card and connected to a network via Ethernet.  If you are using a laptop, Linux will not be energy-efficient until you set up TLP and configure it properly.

The art of searching the internet for answers is also a must if you want to use Linux. You are going to run into issues a lot during your first days, and you'll find yourself constantly jumping through hoops to get even the most basic things done (that you would have done in Windows without having to even think.)

You are also going to want to install the proprietary graphics drivers for your video card, (unless you prefer the open source version, which is not as good), and make sure that it is not overheating. You may need to adjust the fans automatically by using a Bash script. If you want a script for automatically adjusting the fan speeds of a Nvidia card as temperatures chance, I have a script that I use which runs in the background.

You are also going to have to get comfortable with using the command line to diagnose and fix problems. It is not like fixing a problem in Windows where you can use a fix-it software to do the work for you. But once you get used to the command line, it feels like home. The Linux command line is intended to be fully functional and usable as a workstation, with split windows, text based browsers, music players and whatnot. The learning curve however is not so nice because of how much the average user has grown used to graphical interfaces and a command-line interface can seem intimidating.

If you are not willing to deal with those things, I recommend you steer clear from Linux. If you are adamant about the philosophy of software libertation, use Linux. Or if you are just wanting to learn/have fun, use Linux in a virtual machine or dual boot. Yes, some people find using Linux fun, like I do.

On a side note, it is true that Linux is great for programmers. Almost all Linux distros have common build tools like GCC (a C compiler) and all useful libraries for it that are so easy and convenient to install (compared to Windows). Installing a C/C++ library on Ubuntu is simply a matter of typing in a command, whereas in Windows you have to jump through many hoops to do so. Linux also has vim, which by some is considered to be the best text editor that has ever existed. Linux also has the best C debugger (gdb) and a suite of tools for memory brown townysis (valgrind).

There is also a major difference between Linux for servers and Linux for desktop. Linux for servers tend to be much, much easier to maintain than Linux for desktop, because of the complex structure of desktop environments. Desktop Linux has a long way to go still and I don't see it taking over the market any time soon. Unfortunately, Linux does not play well with some hardware because its hardware compatibility is made entirely by volunteers, and a lot of the hardware specifications are proprietary and require copious amount of revers engineering.

I think it is important that we contribute to Linux so that one day it can become a viable option to the average user. Dell sells some low-end laptops that run Ubuntu, with all the hardware already configured. I believe that is the smoothest Linux experience you can have. I don't have any experience with those however, so if you are interested, you might want to look into it more.

Games / Re: Pokemon Sword and Shield - The good and the bad
« on: November 21, 2019, 09:41:30 AM »
they removed over 400 pokemon

I know this topic is a whole month old, but I figured there would be no harm in replying this late. There is a lot of ignorance in the OP's post so I want to pitch in with some information.

Linux based desktop operating systems are unfortunately energy inefficient, difficult to use, a pain to maintain and incompatible with a lot of software. But Linux OSes are important for the reason that they are free -- not as in free beer, but as in freedom. It means the users have the freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software. It is a matter of "liberty", not price.

If you think about it, Windows barely has those freedoms. You can only run Windows if you have a license. You are not allowed to copy and distribute Windows under digital piracy law. You cannot study Windows' source code because it's closed, and as such, Windows, (like all proprietary software,) cannot be modified and improved by users. This establishes a digital role reversal where the software controls the user.

When you use Windows (and other proprietary software), you enable Microsoft (and co.) to spy on you, abuse you, and do things that you don't want it to, and you can't stop it. Take for example the infamous Windows updates, or the insane amounts of telemetry/spying in Windows 10. Because our computers control much of our personal information, proprietary software represent great danger to a free society.

The importance of Linux is more of an ethical and political one. It is specially important for governments and universities that cannot stand to be spied on by the US government, which Windows enables. Anyone who uses desktop Linux for convenience and user-friendliness is not going to find it. If you don't care about these things, then go ahead, use Windows or Mac.

You are also encouraged to help improve Linux and its software components. It is entirely made by community members like you.

Off Topic / it's been a long run
« on: November 20, 2019, 05:58:03 PM »
we've been here since the early 2000s and we're still going, even though we're just a few survivors

how long do you think it'll be for Badspot to pull the plug?

Off Topic / Re: C or Go
« on: November 17, 2019, 05:09:06 PM »
Go's not going anywhere
the sheer irony

use common lisp you absolute peasant

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