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Messages - MetalMario

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Drama / Fine, that's it.
« on: July 22, 2009, 02:39:59 PM »
I'm gonna do what you have been doing all along.

Hey losers, just to tell you, you have no life.

There, happy?

Drama / Strike Four, You should get out.
« on: July 22, 2009, 10:40:12 AM »
Recently I made a topic stating that I would like you all to stop dramaing me. Well, It seems that it did not work. Niliscro, you are just a pathetic excuse for a Blocklander. You used to be nice. >.>

Anyway, I want you all to just... how should I say this... STOP RIGHT THE forget NOW.

ENOUGH OF THIS BULLstuff. Yeah I MEAN IT. This has been going on for a loving year now. And I am getting a bit PISSED OFF. STOP NOW. I Don't care who the forget you are, what you want, what I am, what I do. get off my BACK. This is the Internet BIG WHOOP. Just because it's a free thing, doesn't mean you should hump it everyday.

If you like to torture people like me, GO PLAY ROBLOX. Roblox would probably enjoy your stuffty company. Stop harassing me. Did you know that in some countries, it's against the law to harrass someone? Well, IT SHOULD BE IN THE US.

I am sick and tired of; He just wants attention, he's a whore, you are an orange, and metalmario should go away. FOR THE LAST TIME, I WILL NOT LEAVE.

This has been going back and forth back and forth for an entire YEAR. I have just about HAD IT. Stop acting like handicapped starfish whenever I make a drama topic. No, I am NOT egging you forgeters on. Stop being JACKASSES.

I am seriously getting pissed off, I MEAN IT. ENOUGH BEING JACKASSES. I WILL NOT LEAVE FORUMS. Oooo I'm having hate. BIG WHOOP, WANNA FIGHT ABOUT IT?

Stop using the internet to channel your self confidence through hate and bulling. I am SICK OF IT. I don't care if you mess with other noobs, But when you start being forgeters to me, and my friends, It PERSONAL. STOP!!!

Seriously. STOP. STOP STOP STOP. I want you to look at YOUR actions. NOT OTHERS. If I could flip you people off right now, I would. Oh! Wait! I can! *flips off*

STOP BEING starfishS



Drama / Re: Saxophone
« on: July 20, 2009, 04:08:28 PM »
Yes, but you are all starfishs! :)

Drama / Re: Enough Drama Topic-ing me!
« on: July 20, 2009, 04:06:08 PM »
Metal, One reason why everything hates you, as said before, it's because your LewnaJa's friend.
Can you just forget LewnaJa exists? Ok, Kthnxbai

Drama / I feel sorry for the 10,000+
« on: July 20, 2009, 07:48:39 AM »
Yeah, I feel sorry for them. So many people on Blockland act so superior, towards anyone with five digits.

Off Topic / Re: I am an Orange
« on: July 20, 2009, 07:46:05 AM »
I have no idea what that even means. LOL

Drama / Re: Enough Drama Topic-ing me!
« on: July 20, 2009, 07:45:37 AM »
Thank you Hit Man.

Off Topic / I am an Orange
« on: July 20, 2009, 07:44:59 AM »
According to gamefandan,


Drama / Re: MetalMario and friends
« on: July 20, 2009, 07:40:39 AM »
How dare you. *stares at Death with eye slitted*

Drama / Re: Furry avatars
« on: July 20, 2009, 07:36:36 AM »
How the heck did this have 45 replies over night? o_o

Drama / Re: How not to look like an idiot.
« on: July 20, 2009, 07:35:28 AM »
gamefandan. Don't look like yourself. That's how.

Drama / Re: Enough Drama Topic-ing me!
« on: July 20, 2009, 07:34:06 AM »
Am I the only one who's actually okay with this guy? I haven't seen anything wrong with him, other than the fact everyone seems to hate him. He likes his friends, let him defend them, no matter how stuffty his defense is.
Thanks. You are the nicest person that has ever replied to my topics on any blockland forum.

Drama / Re: Enough Drama Topic-ing me!
« on: July 20, 2009, 07:33:14 AM »
Scatch that. I'm NOT leaving starfishs.

Drama / Enough Drama Topic-ing me!
« on: July 19, 2009, 09:49:57 PM »
The last one was made by -Jetz-. That's two in just 2 weeks. ENOUGH ALREADY.

I like to respect my friends. No, I am not having brain trouble. Jetz just put different replies, that are from DIFFERENT days. I began to respect Bushido LATER. I hated him before. Toxic is now my friend again. Still fk off him

Anyway, Stop complaining about me. This has been going on for a while now, and I'm just about sick of it. I can't stop you from drama-ing me, but listen here... If you drama topic me.. You are the one acting like an starfish. So forget off all of you.

I have only a few of you still bitching about me. Thanks for those who are now nice to me >.<

There are about 20 people left that are still insanely annoying and pissed off at me now. I have over 100 friends and have a small rank in the blockland community. So, I have one thing to say to people who still hate me.

What's the point of all this? Just ignore me, go away, quit the forums. Just stop bothering me, and other players about how much you want to shoot me in the brain. You must be obsessed if you want to keep talking about me.

Drama / Saxophone
« on: July 17, 2009, 10:29:40 PM »
Really? Really? That's it? If you say that I have bad comebacks, you should look at yourself.
Quote from: Saxaphone
*I don't give a forget if there was a topic about him, this one is a new one.  >:U *

Well, lets start out with this:
He is a loving handicap who has a crap selection of "Friends" Which I bet he chooses to backup to look cool. He cannot come up with a single comeback, he cannot make a point. He posts completely unintelligable posts. His stupidity is too much to comprehend. I swear this kid is on my nerves like a fly on a rotting carcass. He also has a stuff avatar.

This kid should pick up a loving life, I don't give a stuff if he bought it from a pawn shop. He needs a better one.


This child makes me RAGE!  >:U
I wouldn't choose people to back me up. I back up my friends. Unintelligible posts? The posts that are unintelligible are the ones that are made just to annoy a player, and acting like a total douse bag. *I am not doing this*
When have I ever said anything to you? How do I personally annoy you? If my mere existence is too much, get off the forums, because I ain't leaving. stuff avatar? Well, I don't like to say that my avatar is all that good, but it matches my name.

I have a life. I'm talking right now aren't I? Also, Pawn shops don't sell lives. That would be slavery, which it against the law you tribal. ;) I like my live just fine.

So, go away now? Kthnxbai. =]

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