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Messages - BL00XER

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Help / Re: Making a minigun, need the know-how on EVERYTHING
« on: February 11, 2011, 03:10:28 PM »
so, basicaly you want somebody to do it for you, in which case you want to go to suggestions and requests

No, I mean I need people to tell me the most suitable programs and scripts for my improvement.

Help / Making a minigun, need the know-how on EVERYTHING
« on: February 11, 2011, 12:44:43 PM »
I've been seeing all of the weapons used in dogfights and I say that the old minigun just wasn't MINIGUN enough. The Gatling barrel was too long and the way it was held was just wierd, and the spinning just looked like it was going back and forth and back and forth.

SO... I'm going to make an improved version of the minigun by adding the following:

-barrel spin-up sounds

-vibrating screen when shooting

-slightly higher accuracy

-chest support that will look like the minigun is actually supported by the body

-portable version that is less powerful and shoots at a slower rate but is a lot more accurate

-smaller bullet sizes because this thing will actually shoot 50 rounds per second (except the portable version)

The only problem is, I don't know JACK about making weapons. If you could teach me the basic programs and scripts needed to make it work right, post it here and I'll do my best.

Gallery / Re: Wild Territory
« on: February 10, 2011, 07:27:03 PM »
Guys, I think I found something! If you look at the overhead view near the quarry thing, you'll see a black circle that appears to be on top of some structure. Military thingie much? :D

Gallery / Re: Ladcorp. RaB and The Qube
« on: January 31, 2011, 11:40:09 PM »
I'm one of LadCorp's old members. I joined a little bit after you closed off the old basement wing.

Congrats. You, too, are an old member. Have you seen the new Qube building?

Gallery / Re: Ladcorp. RaB and The Qube
« on: January 31, 2011, 10:24:50 PM »
yeah, I'll prolly update more pics later.

Gallery / Re: Ladcorp. RaB and The Qube
« on: January 31, 2011, 08:15:47 PM »
Moving it. They all said it belonged in the gallery.

Gallery / Ladcorp. RaB and The Qube
« on: January 31, 2011, 07:20:22 PM »
Hello, random person. This is the official unofficial topic for Ladcorp. Research and Building, (RaB,) where our motto is: "doing and building, no matter what it is." (motto still pending with Ladezkik.)For those of you who've never heard of it, I'll tell you about it later. for now, we have news. Recently, Ladezkik has declared a MAJOR reform of Ladcorp. from military-style builds and projects to more sleek, portal-ish builds that use a sh*tload less bricks. Our newest project is the Ladcorp. Private Cubical Administration Facility, or more commonly known as The Qube. EDIT: It is now Cult of Moustachio's clan base. Although unimpressive on the outside, it is a total city inside. It's still under construction, so that means that it still is up for grabs for contributors and admins. If you want to help, please scroll down to  the "Contribution" tab of this topic. And now for pics :D

This is an image of one of the old labs. This particular area was in a secret basement and was devoted to zombie research. However, when the zombies broke out and infested the basement, we had to permanently close off that section.  :cookieMonster:

This is a picture of the new Qube Servers Room, located in the offices hallway. As you can see, the room uses a LOT less bricks than the above photo, despite being approximately the same size. (I also built it. I'm awesome. :D)

This is a photo of the front desk HelpBot. He answers any questions you might have.


If you want to be a major contributor and admin and have your own office, please consult Ladezkik and follow the rules listed below:

-Make sure that the build is large and cool looking.

-Make sure that it is interactive and uses event contraptions.

-Be aware of the build theme; we don't want a midieval broom closet in the middle of a nuclear testing chamber.

-Don't make it so that people below 10 years of age will go, "Eewww! what's that?"

If you can follow these rules and Ladezkik accepts, you've probably earned your own office!


The following people have either contributed or are administrators of Ladcorp.

Ladezkik - Ladcorp. CEO and server hoster.

Ill Nino - build contributor responsible for providing our people with lulz.

Beachbum - major build contributor who built the Qube's "Shrine of Spam"

BL00XER - major build contributor and one of the oldest remaining Ladcorp. members; responsible for building the Qube Servers Room.

Provide your feedback, suggestions, and comments in the comments section! hurr durr...

Clan Discussion / Re: Ladcorp. RaB and The Qube
« on: January 31, 2011, 07:16:28 PM »
K. Imma move the topic.

Clan Discussion / Re: Ladcorp. RaB and The Qube
« on: January 31, 2011, 06:27:00 PM »
Yes, it is. Otherwise it's be putting this topic in the gallery.

Clan Discussion / Ladcorp. RaB and The Qube
« on: January 31, 2011, 05:55:18 PM »
Hello, random person. This is the official unofficial topic for Ladcorp. Research and Building, (RaB,) where our motto is: "doing and building, no matter what it is." (motto still pending with Ladezkik.)For those of you who've never heard of it, I'll tell you about it later. for now, we have news. Recently, Ladezkik has declared a MAJOR reform of Ladcorp. from military-style builds and projects to more sleek, portal-ish builds that use a sh*tload less bricks. Our newest project is the Ladcorp. Private Cubical Administration Facility, or more commonly known as The Qube. Although unimpressive on the outside, it is a total city inside. It's still under construction, so that means that it still is up for grabs for contributors and admins. If you want to help, please scroll down to  the "Contribution" tab of this topic. And now for pics :D

This is an image of one of the old labs. This particular area was in a secret basement and was devoted to zombie research. However, when the zombies broke out and infested the basement, we had to permanently close off that section.  :cookieMonster:

This is a picture of the new Qube Servers Room, located in the offices hallway. As you can see, the room uses a LOT less bricks than the above photo, despite being approximately the same size. (I also built it. I'm awesome. :D)

This is a photo of the front desk HelpBot. He answers any questions you might have.


If you want to be a major contributor and admin and have your own office, please consult Ladezkik and follow the rules listed below:

-Make sure that the build is large and cool looking.

-Make sure that it is interactive and uses event contraptions.

-Be aware of the build theme; we don't want a midieval broom closet in the middle of a nuclear testing chamber.

-Don't make it so that people below 10 years of age will go, "Eewww! what's that?"

If you can follow these rules and Ladezkik accepts, you've probably earned your own office!


The following people have either contributed or are administrators of Ladcorp.

Ladezkik - Ladcorp. CEO and server hoster.

Ill Nino - build contributor responsible for providing our people with lulz.

Beachbum - major build contributor who built the Qube's "Shrine of Spam"

BL00XER - major build contributor and one of the oldest remaining Ladcorp. members; responsible for building the Qube Servers Room.

Provide your feedback, suggestions, and comments in the comments section! hurr durr...

Modification Help / Re: Mission Editor
« on: January 01, 2011, 06:06:29 PM »
Downloaded it into the Add-ons folder twice. I looked in Controls and the keybind for it didn't show up. What's happening?

Forum Games / Re: Zombie survival; PK1M Pandemic
« on: December 29, 2010, 09:31:58 PM »
New Character:

Name: Steve
Location: on an Australian oil rig off the coast of Sydney
Weapons: heavy-duty circular saw, hunting rifle /w/ 5x scope, Silenced Uzi

December 14, 2010:

This is some crazy world we live in now. It's like a horror movie, but the horror is the fact that every moment, every breath, is a fight for survival. It started at the airports, and hotels, and quickly spread. In hopes of surviving, the local militia gave us a chance to go to a quarantined base deep in the Outback. I accepted, of course, but it all went to crap when our pilot stop piloting and attacked us. I remember: the copilot was yelling on the intercom for us to evacuate, and the next thing I knew the emergency exit door opened and the emergency inflatable slide expanded and dangled in the air. Then, the plane slowed down and jerked downwards. I saw others on the plane stumbling towards the slide, and I followed on a hunch. Once we were clinging for dear life on the slide, an old, bristly man pulled out a foot-long blade and cut the slide off of the plane, and we fell. Closing my eyes, I prayed for a miracle... and I blacked out. After I came to, we were floating about 2 kilometers away from the nearest coast. The wreckage from the plane was scattered everywhere around us: vests, aluminum, ammo... and... weapons. sweet, beautiful weapons. We grabbed what we could and set out for the coast, paddling with our hands and gun stocks, but one of the wiser of the survivors noted that if our city was infected, then the coastline is most likely infected as well. So, we drifted, half a kilo away from land, searching for a safe place. After many hours, I saw a structure among the water. I thought it was a rock, but It was in a geometric shape. It was an oil rig! Half asleep, we paddled the whole kilometer there... Tough work, I said, and I still say so. After we were there, we fainted on the spot. After we came to... wait, I must stop writing, I see a plane in the sky! Wait, what is that thing on top of it? Oh my... the plane is going down! What of the passengers? Look! there's one falling with a raft! Why does he not grab onto it?! He's nearing the surface! Oh, I can't look...

Music / Re: L4D2: Music Files *New Music* (As of October 30th.)
« on: December 26, 2010, 11:29:52 PM »
Sorry for double post, but what if you added the banjo/rock intro of L4D2? I need that.

Music / Re: L4D2: Music Files *New Music* (As of October 30th.)
« on: December 26, 2010, 11:17:57 PM »
I made a Dark Carnival Finale with this music. Everyone who downloaded the music said it was exactly like the real L4D2 finale. No one lived. No one has still lived from my finale. :3

Maps / Re: GSF Maps [Update 10/1/10]
« on: October 24, 2010, 01:07:22 AM »
I've had GSF maps for a long time, and I must say that GSF NYC is one of Blockland's largest and most beautiful city maps that will ever be made. There are so many points of screenshotting images that will blow Google's head off. But, however, GSF Paradise is my overall favorite. It has so many accessable buildings and they are strategically placed so that it could be suitable for ANY game type, from team deathmatches to family/city RPs to tactical nuke insertion. If I could recommend Blockland to a friend, I'd recommend Blockland just for GSF Paradise. It's worth the wait, so why stay back? Hop on in and join the fun!

                         -My friend's review of GSF maps, and mine couldn't be different.

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