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Messages - paulcall

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 86
« on: April 03, 2013, 09:43:54 PM »
in all seriousness if you want a fix as this happened to me too

go to chrome://net-internals/
go to the sockets tab
flush socket pools

it worked for me

idk where you people got the idea it's today

Ok. I think I added everyone who asked for a spot that wasn't already taken.

i added as demoman though


Off Topic / Re: can someone tell me wtf this is
« on: January 27, 2013, 10:50:24 AM »
i like the absurd amount of effort this guy put into this

if we're doing this again:

Steam profile Link:
Which team you'd want to join: don't care
Which class you'd play: demostration man
(optional) Timezone?: Eastern Standard Time
(optional) Do you have a mic? Yes

So whaich map should we play on? And is Friday sometime later a good day for everyone?

i would prefer some payload or king of the hill maps for highlander

Steam profile Link:
Which team you'd want to join: don't care
Which class you'd play: engineer or soldier
(optional) Timezone?: Eastern Standard Time
(optional) Do you have a mic? Yes

Off Topic / Re: I accidentally just drank my friends soda.
« on: January 20, 2013, 06:44:39 PM »
What are you talking about?

band aids

Games / Re: Team Fortress 2 Megatopic - New 15 Minute Long Video TBA!
« on: January 19, 2013, 11:42:02 AM »

you can't do the first one on, it's one scrap per two weapons

on the second one:
you can't even sell earbuds on the tf2 market
even if they allowed that, people will price them at a much higher price because of the price of keys

colors are like flavors, you can tell the difference between an apple and an orange by the taste, except you see the flavor.

but if you really want to know:

You cant explain sight to a blind person because physically they could not possibly grasp such a great concept, similar to the way we cannot fathom things that we don't know are in existence. It's like a paradox I guess

Games / Re: Team Fortress 2 Megatopic - A New Mannly Year Awaits!
« on: December 31, 2012, 03:28:36 PM »
are there any services that would convert steam money into bitcoins or something? if so, you could make a living.

no, there isn't any way to directly convert steam money into bitcoins sadly. pretty sure Valve would've stopped it

Games / Re: Team Fortress 2 Megatopic - Smissmass + Strange Filters!
« on: December 29, 2012, 09:12:07 PM »
Remove me from list, I had a awesome team twice :)

err me too, i have something to do

Games / Re: Ottosparks's New Year's Steam Giveaway! [$115 USD in Prizes!]
« on: December 29, 2012, 08:13:56 PM »
Also can you just give us the money in paypal instead?

No, it has to be Steam.

he probably has it on his steam wallet

im just guessing so idk

Games / Re: Team Fortress 2 Megatopic - Smissmass + Strange Filters!
« on: December 29, 2012, 04:18:51 PM »
let's form another mvm group!

player 1 - jairo (soldier, demo, heavy, engie, medic)
player 2 -
player 3 -
player 4 -
player 5 -
player 6 -

you need a mvm ticket right?

i can go soldier or engineer

Games / Re: "You-pick-the-game" Giveaway!
« on: December 28, 2012, 11:54:54 PM »
i want it ace of spades

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